Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow


Well-Known Member
I think your mother plants will do fine, my friend...if they do hermi, which I dont think they should...just check on em' reg and pick off all the naners that grow...
Nice indoor set up bro!
yea I figured I was just being paranoid. they're easier to herm when theyre farther along in bloom and you mess with their photoperiod yea?


New Member
Thats why I never put any money I make from it in the bank. I spend it on entertainment and whats left I put it in a safe thats at a family members house that doesn't even drink or smoke and save it for a rainy day.


Well-Known Member
Thats why I never put any money I make from it in the bank. I spend it on entertainment and whats left I put it in a safe thats at a family members house that doesn't even drink or smoke and save it for a rainy day.
thats why I smoke all the weed I grow and dont supply any it for profit ;-)


New Member
Last time I grew just for myself I had that weed for 4 years and it was still better at the end than most the stuff around here they call dank. But I got bored with it and I have to many people around me in need of better weed. So I sell to one who sells to all and were all happy. And besides it starts to look weird when you have the same pot for months/years on end, people start to notice especially if its unique.


That's a nice looking room! Your plants are going to be happy. How's the 600 watter doing? I got mine last week and I'm still playing around with my room.

Oh, and the Gorilla tape......fukin' 10's man! That stuff is great...


Well-Known Member
That's a nice looking room! Your plants are going to be happy. How's the 600 watter doing? I got mine last week and I'm still playing around with my room.

Oh, and the Gorilla tape......fukin' 10's man! That stuff is great...
thanks man :-) I'm pretty proud of what I have done so far. I've been camping in my cousin's patch though so I haven't even had time to get a test run in yet.

sorry to everyone else that's been following for the lack of updates... just been marinatin at my cousin's and holdin it down. doesnt leave much time for me to work in my room so my ETA of when my room will be operational is around a month or so. then my mothers will be beasts by then and clone ready.

so everyone sit tight, smoke a bowl bongsmilie and I'll update my mothers, seedlings and when I get everything else in place :leaf: :eyesmoke: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
how's everyone doin? almost the weekend!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

thought I'd update my mothers and seedlings. just gave them a dose of some FF Big Bloom yesterday and planning on flowering this round FF Tiger Bloom but then next round switch to the BioBizz line.

I was talking to my cousin yesterday and the guy he got these clones from told him that the larger indicas are gdpxromulan and not just gdp :weed: so I'm pretty stoked on that cross and the other sativa dom's are the super silver haze. one of my favoritesssst strains ever :mrgreen:

still trying to figure out how I'm going to clone which ones though... :confused: I was thinking about keeping one mother of each and then flowering one of each and then keep throwing clones in as they're ready from the mothers. good idea? OR should I keep all as mothers and just completely cut them up for clones and then select the strongest clones from those to mother? too many options AHH! :-?



Well-Known Member
I have a T5 that I use for vegging and yea the 600w is going to be used for my flowering area. going to make it perpetual after the first run I think. might as well right :eyesmoke:
What medium are you going to use? If you have to water each individualy then why not do a perpetual harvest!


Well-Known Member
You can just Vegg your mother out, clone her, then throw her into flower, grow those clones out in veg, and just repeat the process, so you dont have to tend to one plant for a long time


Well-Known Member
Perpetual was definitely the plan since I have them in fox farm ocean forest :blsmoke:

and thanks Sicc. gonna wait to take clones pretty soon since my room's jussst about ready :eyesmoke: I need to get a good humidity dome and tray with the vents in it then I'll take some cuttings. was thinking I could do 5 or so good cuts from each plant and then I should have plenty to choose from


Well-Known Member
glad i came across ur new thread B! hope this shit works out better. def looks like it. great setup and planned out. good choice on the FF OF again.
im onboard for the ride!



Well-Known Member
glad i came across ur new thread B! hope this shit works out better. def looks like it. great setup and planned out. good choice on the FF OF again.
im onboard for the ride!

glad you made it Boom :joint:

sorry for the long overdue updates on this one so far. just been full timing at my cousin's. no incidences to mention, but one night my dog did start barking and ran to the corner of the garden and when I got out of the tent it sounded like someone started bookin it the other direction. who knows tho, couldve just been a deer :dunce:

been doing quite a bit of trimming as well. only on the 5th plant but looks to be about 6 or 7 lbs. still 15 plants more to go. just got the 5 super silver haze and 9 "super" gdp clones i took a week ago situated in some Ocean Forest and also picked up some Light Warrior to mix in when I put them into their new 1.5 gal square plastic containers. going to use BioBizz Bloom all organic fert Hi Brix molasses for flowering. still have the DJ Short's blueberry seedling trucking along as well. should be about another month before I'll know sex. but check the pics and won't be long now till I fire up the hps and really be cookin :eyesmoke:

&& first picture's a stack from only half a gdp we had trimmed :leaf: :eyesmoke: :leaf:

