I read a page recently that said weed use by teens in one of the legal states, I think Washington, has remained the same as before legalization. Had no effect whatsoever. They seem to think having it sold in stores, meaning increasing the ease of access drastically, will somehow magically cause teens to not want to get high anymore. Where's the logic in that?
And keeping profits from criminals? They're only criminals because the Govt made it illegal. I guess they want the biker gangs to make up their losses by increasing hard drug trafficking, prostitution, strong arming etc. Selling weed was the LEAST harmful of the possible income sources available to criminals. The Libs want to drive them to violent crime and hard drugs exclusively.
It's actually a lot easier to cook up meth than grow weed. Get ready for the meth epidemic in 2018. Actually, by their logic, why not legalize heroin, cocaine, meth etc? Why limit the keeping of profits from criminals to weed? Those drugs all have medical uses, or did before the laws were changed. It's only when misused that they're dangerous, just like aspirin.
So neither of the Libs supposed justifications are valid. They presented no evidence at all to support them, just told us so we're supposed to believe it.