Near end wtf might be herming ? need advice (asap)


Well-Known Member
Nug looks superb man. Good job. Those are calyxs with a seed in them. If a calyx has a seed in it then only that calyxs potency is affected. The surrounding calxs will be just as potent if the neighbor seed had never moved in. Something like this may help clarify it, dont quote me on this tho!

If a nug has 100 calyxs' and 50 of them have seeds. Only half of your potential potency is affected, dont confuse this with half potency tho. Calyxs with seeds still produce thc.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys i was freaking out
how long do i keep her going for?

i dont grow many and need bud for myself

+rep guys

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
Looks good, don't sweat the seed. Even in the darkest sacks you can find a seed or two. I would give 3 more week give or take a few days.