nearly 3 months old plans looks like seedling


5 different strains i believe i've started them with a bad soil cause they're very slow in growth, all of the germinated on 28/10/2012 ….. except the biggest one, on 10/12/2012 ….. and that's all the growth i got plus they're not as green as the big one in the bigger pot, not sure if the discoloration is deficiency cause by a nutrients lockout or it's the soil, the soil is harsh plus maybe i've added a lot of vermiculite and perlite, 10% vermiculite 20% perlite 70% Ace plain soil and using GHE nutes on them + diamond nectar + rhizotonic + cannazym and i adjust the water mix to a ph around 8.2-8.2 since every time i measure the water from the drainage holes and the ph is always low like 5. something, an information i have read that say water ph from the drainage measure = the soil ph , i hope that info is correct. any idea what's what problems and what do you suggest?other77.jpgother55.jpgother66.jpgother11.jpgother44.jpgother22.jpg

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I always ph my water to 6.5 in promix. Soil looks way wet. you may be choking the roots. More light, less water. Lower your PH. My drainage was always 4, but it never affected my plant's growth.

I would lower to 7 ph at least. should only need to water about once a week. Your plants are very stressed.


Well-Known Member
I dont know about the slow growth but the discoloration is certainly due to ph. It should be around 6.0. What are you using for lights?


i just watered them today, it usually takes them 9-10 to feel they need to be watered, last time they have been watered was 10 days ago then i watered yesterday.... i think it's the perlite and vircimulite is retain the moisture, should i flush them with plain ph 7 water next time? or add the same mix with ph 7? they're under 600watts MH but the power on 75% and the other 2 flowering phase are under 1000HPS and the light is spreading to the young plants, so they get both from MD and HPS
I dont know about the slow growth but the discoloration is certainly due to ph. It should be around 6.0. What are you using for lights?


Well-Known Member
Something is very very wrong bud and it goes way further than Ph. I have never had plants that I only water every 10 days and under 450 watts of light those should be huge by now. I would scrap those and start over. I wish I could say it is bad genetics but you say there is 5 different strains there. You are doing something very wrong and I wouldnt waste any more seeds until I figured it out.


Hi! Looks like a PH problem to me. With 3 month they should be much much bigger.
I keep my PH on 6.5 and I use soil. I think 8.2 is very high. My advise..flush it with correct PH water.


Well-Known Member
Hi! Looks like a PH problem to me. With 3 month they should be much much bigger.
I keep my PH on 6.5 and I use soil. I think 8.2 is very high. My advise..flush it with correct PH water.
I agree there is a ph problem but that certainly doesnt explain the stunted growth. Any ideas on that?


Well-Known Member
Here is what I would do. Flush with lots of water first, like 5 gallons per pot. Put in florakleen. Ph to 6.5. Flush the crap out of them. Then let them dry until they are SUPER light. If it takes two weeks for them to get light when you pick them up, then wait two weeks before you water again. I wouldn't water again until the pots were light. A plant will not start to droop from lack of water until the pots are extremely light, dry. If they droop and the pots are not light, it is not from lack of water.

Then after they dried out, I would water with a normal amount of water and low nutes, plus cal mag+ and florablend.


Active Member
problem is ur ph like everyone said. ur ph effects how the plant cant take up nute and micros. i think ur not getting ur micros causing slow growth like no other.

there is a chart floating around here sum where that shows both hydro and soil (coco Too) but what ph allows for ur plants to uptake all the nutes. u need to fix obvious first before u move one. get ur ph in check and then seee whats happening. ill look for chart now for u bud.

ps its not ur perlit holding moisture. try to water less but more offten also. istead of one major watering every 10 days.


Active Member
ur ph in the high 8s u would be lucky to absorb anything, but u might be getting sum K outta it. look the chart over. ph is ur problem my friend!


Well-Known Member
Those plants are light-starved. I would get bigger bulbs and jack them suckers
right up underneath the light. More lumens = bushier plants.



i know it's but i'm not sure why the soil takes longer to dry out, maybe the perile and virmiculite is retaining water longer the usual, I'm using R/O water from a cheap r/o filter, cheap like 15 bucks filter but now i'm suspecting the water might be my issue? i don't let the water sit open for 24 hrs for the chlorine dissipation, do you think i should get it a try with bottled water next time? my first grow which is the previous one was successful with bottle water..
I always ph my water to 6.5 in promix. Soil looks way wet. you may be choking the roots. More light, less water. Lower your PH. My drainage was always 4, but it never affected my plant's growth.

I would lower to 7 ph at least. should only need to water about once a week. Your plants are very stressed.


thanks for your help man, will flush them as soon as the soil dries out with 6.5 ph plain water as everyone said, but do you suspect that the water i use is a problem? my tap water is not the best tap water, i use a cheap r/o filter for it, i don't know if the filter is filtering enough chlorine or not, should i try bottled water next time?
ur ph in the high 8s u would be lucky to absorb anything, but u might be getting sum K outta it. look the chart over. ph is ur problem my friend!


Well-Known Member
Tap water is most always fine, at least here in the states. Test your tap water PPM and PH.

For Chlorine, you cannot boil this out. You must let it evaporate. Fill up a big tote and let the water sit for 24-48 hours before adding nutes. Put an air stone in it too, so it is not stagnate, and it will also give it higher oxygen levels.


Well-Known Member
problem is ur ph like everyone said. ur ph effects how the plant cant take up nute and micros. i think ur not getting ur micros causing slow growth like no other.

there is a chart floating around here sum where that shows both hydro and soil (coco Too) but what ph allows for ur plants to uptake all the nutes. u need to fix obvious first before u move one. get ur ph in check and then seee whats happening. ill look for chart now for u bud.

ps its not ur perlit holding moisture. try to water less but more offten also. istead of one major watering every 10 days.
Here ya go man.
Copy it, so you can dish it out too!PHRANGECHART_zpsddd4a5c5.gifView attachment 2486364


Well-Known Member
More light, constant moving air, and PH somewhere between 6.2 and 6.5 will help a great deal.
My suggestion would be to water with PH'ed water of 6.0 to 6.5 for two waterings, then check your runoff.
When you water, do you give enough it takes 15-20 minutes for it to stop dripping?
When I water my 5 gal. pot, I pour slowly, all the way around, and make sure I get runoff for a minute or so all the way.
Then, I tip and leave the pot at an angle for a half hr. or so until it stops dripping.
I wouldn't worry about feeding anything until you get your PH where the plant can uptake what's in the soil.
How come only half of the plants in your pics appear to have some perlite in them?
My understanding, (IDK if it's wrong or not) was that perlite dispels water or moisture, while vermiculite holds water.
Same way Sahara is for dry flower arrangements, while Oasis is for fresh flower arrangements.
I'm not even going to mention the need for more light.


K I realize it was a few months ago but.... I can't believe no one addressed your soil not drying out for 10 days.. My bet would be that you have a drainage issue... I would suggest that you make sure you have bigger or more drainage holes or just go to the cloth bags..