Nearly done? PIKS.. nd few harvesting questions.


Well-Known Member
Hey here are a few pictures of this plant i have been growing under a 400w hps for approx 11/12 weeks. Can anybody tell if they are done yet? Trichs seem to be cloudy.. will they swell up any more?

Also when do i start flushing and when do i stop watering before harvest?
Im going for a head kinda high aswell.

Let me know how much longer i may have to wait before i can finally pull her?



Well-Known Member
ok and any info on when to stop watering to get all the water out of the plant to speed up drying process?


Well-Known Member
Also do you think the plant looks kinda ill? Or shud it be loosing the leaves at this part of the growth.. I meen will it last another 2 weeks?
And any info on my other questions?


dude that sativa needs more time like 2 weeks or so. nice foxtailing on the buds though


Well-Known Member
So that it can swell up a lil more and for the hairs to turn brown?
And i still have some unanswered questions i would like to know :(


yeah it needs to swell more the triconeshave to turn some amber and the plant will look done


Its lookiong really good show us some pics of the harvest when you done man. Im in week 4 flowering now getting bigger day by day.


Well-Known Member
Its been 11 days since i created this post and since then about 80 percent of the hairs have turned brown.. So tempted to pull it out but still have not got a microscope strong enough to see the trichs.. although im quite certain it has passed the cloudy stage and begun to turn amber i will try to get a few piks for you soon so you can give your opinions...


Well-Known Member
Theres a pik with the lights off, tell me what u think.. also any advice on what part of the plant to cut off a taster bud and methods of quick drying?



Well-Known Member
to answer your question i dont think got answered you want to starting flushing nutes out about 7-10 days before harvest... i personally flush the medium with 2x the water as the size of the pot (so a 3 gallon pot would get flushed with 6 gallons of water) everyday for that time.... make sure htey can drain very very very well obviously.... if you want to let them dry start drying out before you harvest flush for 5-7 days and let go for an extra 3 days to use up some water left over in the pots... either way... but i'd start flushing now... it looks like your harvesting soon... buds look nice tho... 3rd week into my crystales flowering... cant wait till they are done... been out for a minute.. i need to learn to ration my stash a little better between harvests.. lol


Well-Known Member
dont rush the drying process btw... youve waited this long... give it 5 -7 days to dry slowly and youll be much happier with your smoke than if you rush the drying process just to have some smoke... itll be much tastier... much smoother... and youll be soooo much happier with your final product


Cheeky motherfucker :) i still got months left to wait, your buds are looking georgeus my friend. I would leave it another 2weeks as you have waited this long as it is. The bud can only get better aye

Safe, Demon