nebie just wants to say thanks


This is my very first grow and first post. i would like to thank all the members that post the vital information on this sight. I have made so many mistakes on my first attempt at a grow and if it wasn't for the members of this sight it could have been a major disapointment. but with all the imput on this site and all the forums here it looks like my first grow will be awsome. I tried to add some pitures but not sure how will try later and will post some

M Dogg

Active Member
Right on dude! Two things that my growing guru taught me early on, "nothing can beat hands-on experience" and "smoking dope isn't addictive...but growing it sure the hell is"...


Here are some pictures of my first grow. my ladies were grown in soil under a 400w with carbon filter systen and home made grow tent 4x8 6'3"IMG_0449.jpgIMG_0450.jpgIMG_0452.jpgIMG_0453.jpgIMG_0454.jpg