Necrotic leaves, spots... anyone know WTF this is?


Well-Known Member
Did it rain or have you watered recently? Could be sun spots from sediment build up on the leaves. Not usually the case outside but maybe near a city or industrial area with acidic rain.
I have something like this going on right now. I just flushed my babies and one of 'em got some spots on a leaf. Looks like potassium deficiency to me, and it might be the case with you, but I couldn't say for sure without more info.


Sector 5 Moderator
LOL, that is a great avatar! I watered them and the next day it rained, and the day after that, and the day after that. So yeah, it will be September before they are thirsty again. :) I gave them a little N a few weeks ago.


Sector 5 Moderator
Well I decided to either kill them or cure them. So I added the full dose plus a little extra, of all purpose fertilizer, a shot of 5-1-1 "worm poop" fertilizer, some Epsom salts, and a little pH down. Mixed all that in 2 gallon watering containers and gave them a good soaking. That was a few days ago and they are starting to come back. So I guess the plants had just taken up all the nutes - or at least the N, and needed more. Whatever it needed I seem to have given it now.