need a good stoned movie to watch fast.....


Active Member
lol lololololol i wish a mother fucker would climb into this cage...this cage! this cage right here niggah? this cage right here niggah? right heere niggah?!?!


Well-Known Member
Those are all great ones but I'd have to say the movie 'Saving Grace' is a good quick British Stoner film.


Active Member
You are such a fake gangster. Sooooooo Hard, telling someone across the country your address. I hope you all the worst in the world, not like I need to with you shitty attitude. You must not grow weed and be very lonely if you are giving out your address and telling someone to come over. Might be that you really are that stupid. Let me guess, no pussy getting, no friend having, poor ass hood trash. Gangster talk is dead!! It doesn't come of as anything but IGNORANT on the internet and in person. You are now blocked..............So I won't see your retort, never have to see any of your posts, simply fuck off fake ass gangster.


Well-Known Member
You are such a fake gangster. Sooooooo Hard, telling someone across the country your address. I hope you all the worst in the world, not like I need to with you shitty attitude. You must not grow weed and be very lonely if you are giving out your address and telling someone to come over. Might be that you really are that stupid. Let me guess, no pussy getting, no friend having, poor ass hood trash. Gangster talk is dead!! It doesn't come of as anything but IGNORANT on the internet and in person. You are now blocked..............So I won't see your retort, never have to see any of your posts, simply fuck off fake ass gangster.
While your in the buisness of blocking may I formally request that you block me aswell because I can't and simply won't live up to ANYONES social requirements at a website for stoners and toke n talkers. Your taking things wayyy too seriously dude, you just need to chill out dude.


Active Member
Loke, I got no beef with you. Dude called me a bitch and was rude for no reason. Totally disrespected me for absolutely no reason. But I'm over it 100%. I have learned a lesson about stupid posts on here once again(from other people and myself). I have no place even answering a stupid question like that, what do I know about what movie he wants to watch. I was blind sided by his rude comments and it put me on tilt, my bad. I will keep to growing tips and real questions. This is the reason I'm on here in the first place. As you requested you also are blocked, WTF do I care?


Active Member
Tom Green's 'Subway Monkey Hour', UHF (weird Al), Amazon Women on the Moon (funny as shit), Up in Smoke (cheech n Chong)