need a lil help please ( electrical )

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
hi all , its not very often i ask for help , but i need some experts advice please .
i recently blew my 250w envirolite bulb , i hooked too much stuff into one power cord and it popped my bulb somehow :?: anyway i went straight on ebay to buy a replacement , but i noticed a bargain hps 250w , that i couldnt resist , ive grown with hps before (a 600w ) in my old place , but couldnt use it in my new place , so i sold it .
anyway i bought this 250 cause i can controll the heat on it, but my problem is it dosent come with a power cord on it , im a builder but i dont do electric and electric scares me as ive had a few jolts on building sites , but i kind of figure im capable of fitting a cord and plug if i know im doing it correctly .
my thoughts were that id fit a 13 amp plug on it and that would be fine , the light has the terminals to wire to so i guess its a easy job , anyhow i happend to notice that the guy was selling a few of these lights and on one of his auctions he says if your fitting a 13 amp plug , you should fuse it down to a 5 amp fuse , does he mean just use a 5 amp fuse in the plug that you attach or does he mean the light (ballest etc ) needs to be fused with a 5amp fuse and then fit a 13 amp plug as planned .
hope this makes sense to you all , i havent recieved the light yet but heres a link to the same light off the same seller , if you dont mind taking a look . thanks all.:arrow:

btw i got my light for £14 + £10 for shipping , wich i think is a bargain ?


Active Member
When I used a 150w security light to grow I used some of those plastic cap things then what you do is you put both exposed wires that you want to attach in there. and twist and its all done. Used electrical tape for good measure. Worked out fine, but perhaps maybe the seller could help you with this. Maybe for a little more he will do it for you. I think since he's selling it to you it's his responsibility you know what to do with it.

I dunno.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
lol ive grown thick dank buds with 125w of cfl so dont tell me a 250w hps is useless your talking out your arse mate . 250 is ideal for my method of growing , i do micro sog , 400s get too hot for my space and my old 600 would probally set the cab on fire .