need a Lil help


New Member
Ok so here it goes i found this marijuana plant outside it was just a lil thing when i found it. It has been through two hail storms three freezes and i decided to bring it in. I personally don't smoke but I'm interested in seeing this baby flower. Problem is shes about two feet tall and i gave her some ferts about a week ago and she looks like hell. She started clawing and now she is turning yellow the veins are green so i thought maybe overfertilizing or nitrogen deficiency or over watering someone tell this newbie what im doing wrong.


Well-Known Member
"Quote" Pics or it didn't happen........
No, seriously, pics will help us tell you what is wrong with your freebie.


Well-Known Member
If it survived three freezes and two freezes and you are already killing it, I would find another hobby. ;)

just kidding. I bet it just wanted to be left alone.


New Member
Well its not the hobbies i have 12 striving seedlings its just big momma is havin some issues can anyone tell me how to attach a pic


Well-Known Member
Third option on quick reply from the right... The one that looks like a picture. Not the one that looks like a movie strip... That's for movies.