Need a little help identifying...


Well-Known Member
Ziffy, start looking for sex around 5 weeks if you veg that long. You can post pics of such plants here for help, but there should rarely be a need to go 10 weeks...


Active Member
All jokes should be in good humor with no offence Intended of course, example

that plant has more balls then a tennis court,
it makes my marble collection loook small
a golf glib who nevwee retrieve there balls from their field couldn't compete with that plant

lol see funny but not directed at thwe grower but at the plant


All jokes should be in good humor with no offence Intended of course, example

that plant has more balls then a tennis court,
it makes my marble collection loook small
a golf glib who nevwee retrieve there balls from their field couldn't compete with that plant

lol see funny but not directed at thwe grower but at the plant
Now that's funny, thank you.


Ziffy, start looking for sex around 5 weeks if you veg that long. You can post pics of such plants here for help, but there should rarely be a need to go 10 weeks...
Here's a couple of my outdoor cali haze, also a feminized seed. this one definitely is showing female threads (I tried to get to get a close up but is was too sunny and I couldn't see the camera screen to get a good picture)

I'm also thinking that it wasn't 10 weeks these have been in the ground, probably closer to 7.

How long until this one starts showing buds? What should be my next step?

cali haze2.jpgcali haze.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple of my outdoor cali haze, also a feminized seed. this one definitely is showing female threads (I tried to get to get a close up but is was too sunny and I couldn't see the camera screen to get a good picture)

I'm also thinking that it wasn't 10 weeks these have been in the ground, probably closer to 7.

How long until this one starts showing buds? What should be my next step?

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You will need to wait until the days start getting shorter for it to begin flowering since this is not an auto. This will depend on where you are located.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that is a really long time for an auto, Herbies says that strain is 14-17 weeks, but your certainly do not look anywhere near halfway done.


SAUSAGE FEST! Yea thats deffanatly a male. Bad luck this go , but you want to get that thing out of there before its too late, Those things can literaly spread pollen for miles., do NOT let any of those pods open if you can avoid it and I sugesst putting it in a blender with water to keep the pollen contained then flush the male plant puree down the toilet.


Your welcome to a laugh newbie213, but don't be a dick. We're all doing this for the same reasons, and there's no reasons to be mean. If ya got nothing helpful to say then just read quietly and laugh to yourself.
Thats what im doing :roll::lol:


Well-Known Member
Hi Ziffy,

Been there! My very first grow yielded two male plants. I had two I figured the odds would probably mean one was male and one was female. So these little round things showed on both plants, but they looked a lot like calyxes to me, just without the pistils. I didn't know that pistils show strongly before the calyxes swell -- how could I? I had never done this before! For all I knew, the calyxes swell and then the pistils came out. Finally I posted pics and got the word they were males. Even then I kept them around another few days just to be sure.

On my second try I got two females, and the minute I did I knew there could be no mixing up the two -- but I couldn't know that until I had gotten there naturally.

So, why did you get a male with a feminized seed? Well, feminization isn't a total lock on producing a female -- that's why the discount on the seed prices for regulars isn't THAT much off the cost of a feminized seed. It's just a few bucks less. Occasionally a male will slip by. Sorry it happened to you.

On the positive side, your plants -- male or otherwise -- look extremely healthy, so you've obviously been doing your homework and rearing them right! The sexing issue just takes the experience of having gone through it.

Can't help you on the auto business -- I've only grown regular seeds.

Good luck!