need a little help on ways and what to do here


ok so plants grow from seeds for the first 3 weeks they dont need nutrients after that they go into veg for 4 weeks with nutrients i have 18-24-16 this is as close to 20 -20-20 i could get in my town is this ok ? and i also know to start the nutrients off slow like 25 % of recommended and to only have nutrients in the water every other time i water is this right i was also told to mist lightly once a day right before lights kick on as im doin a 20 on 4 off for veg to give my lights and set up a rest i also would like to know if i do mist them day to day or once a week or whatever it may be it with just water or the nutrients in the water now flowering 12 on 12 off 15 30 15 nutrients are good yes i know to stop and flush 3 weeks be4 harvest same thing goes do i mist in the morning in this stage or once a week with plain water or nutrient water ect ect im just lookin for tips and if the 18 24 16 is ok and whats up with the misting
thx chim


Well-Known Member
I grow organic in soil. I don't flush. I just feed a nitrogen fert during veg and a P&K fert during flower. I let the genetics do the rest. I don't pamper them. I don't do any LST or bending or cropping or any BS like that. I also don't believe in adding "beneficial fung" unless your growing in test tubes. I keep things stupid simple. The key is to start with good seeds or clones. Everything else is just about keeping the plant alive.