need a little help please..



i am new here obviously, but not new at growing anything.. but, i need some help.. i know how these forums work, as im am a member of some fishing ones, so, please dont tell me to go read the FAQ's as i have, multiple times, i just need some help here, as im confused this time around...

so one of my friends died last year on 4/20 of a heart attack, he was 32, and a very very good friend of mine.. i put some seed in last year, and they sprouted on the day he died.. they were from him, but was a bad strain or something.. anyways, i planted some more from him (different, and i know what type of stuff they were from 100%) in January.. we had an ice storm here in Jan just after they sprouted, we lost all power for 6 days, and the house got down to 40 degrees at night... they survived... oh, and my cat ate half of one as well, as i had to leave it sitting in the bathroom window for atleast some light...

then the power came back on, and they freakin EXPLODED with growth, filling my little tent up quickly, then i said i better start budding, or these will be too big and hit the light... so on Feb 25th, i kicked them into flower mode, and sure as sh!t, after a little bit, one of them was up in the light hood, so i put them in a closet that was larger... since then, i have had zero problems with space, well, maybe not zero, but its not an issue...

heres my issues:

i know what to look for, even went and picked up a Hydrofarm Loupe today, plus i already had a 60-120X scope from last time, and have examined them every day for the last week... there are tons of crystals on them and most if not all have a bulbous head on them, and quite a few are cloudy, not alot are clear, and ZERO are amber... the big plant, is one kind, the smaller one (done in Hempy Bucket) is another kind... big plant has tons of red hairs on it, far outnumbering white hairs, probably 70-80 of 100... the other one, has plenty of white still, and i think its still a bit aways away, but the big one, like i said, bulbous heads, most milky, none amber that i can see, and most hairs are red...

my issue is, its only the 9th week on Saturday... and im pretty sure its a sativa... is that even possible for it to be ready that quickly? they smell like juicy fruit, and are sticky and nice... i only had a 125 watt CFL to use, and have had some good success with it, this plant shows it very well...

is it possible for it to be done that quickly? should i wait a bit and see what happens? dont want to miss a growth spurt, or trich spurt, but dont want to harvest early, or late and get bammer...


thank you..


most harvests last between 8-12 weeks. just give it a few more days. look for the amber trichs. or the start of them getting cloudy. then chop her down.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
First let me welcome you to RIU. I hope you find us more informative.
I can't say it any better than Taylor did. Short and to the point.


ill let her go then, i was seriously contemplating chopping it down tonight as there is alot of cloudy trichs all over... but ill wait, one thing i have is patience...

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
I think you will be pleased that you did.
Now if you haven't read up on curring the buds you might start. It is very important.


ive got all that down, done this many times, just never with something that confused me like these 2 did (first time on a Hempy as well)... good thing is, i have more of these seeds, so, next time, i wont be confused, and will know a rough aproximate date to when to chop em, as i marked this turn on the calendar ;)... this is kinda a tribute to my friend that died, they were from him, and its almost coming up on 1 year on the 20th (tommorow)... i dont sell to anyone, and wouldnt even consider it, which is why i have all the patience in the world to do this correctly, and make it the best i can... cuz he deserves it...