Need a opinion


Active Member
I am growing paradise ACID IT'S a sativa domant it sprouted on aug 1 and on sept 1 I switch to 12/12 light its sept 21 and no signs of sex since it a sativa do I have to wait a little more? Just wondering its streching like crazy more branching and I tops it


Well-Known Member
yeah, sometimes Sativa dom strains can be a bitch to grow and can sometimes take a little longer to show sex (begin flowering).

just be patient my friend.. just be patient. Eventually the flowering hormones will kick into high gear, and she'll start flowering.

One thing you might want to consider.. in order to kinda 'force' the plant to begin flowering.. is to lower the 'lights on' time.

In other words, if your running 12/12 currently.. try lowering it to like a 11/13 light schedule.. this will help induce the 'flowering hormones'

which in return should kick the flowering cycle into high gear.

Good luck.



Active Member
Ok today I look on my plant and at the top of new grow female pre flower is sticking out but no where else so shes bout to flower all over soon right


Well-Known Member
Grew full moon, pretty much straight sativa, it took for fucking ever for it to show sex. It'll make you hate preflowers with a purple passion.


Active Member
Yea I threw a sativa in the dirt by accident and all my others were more indica so I was scared at first that I'd be a male but 3 weeks into flower and she's finally showing long pistols but my indicas are budding ridiculous it's crazy just hope she'll finish fast so I ain't gotta chop early... Patience is a virtue...IMO


Well-Known Member
Yea I threw a sativa in the dirt by accident and all my others were more indica so I was scared at first that I'd be a male but 3 weeks into flower and she's finally showing long pistols but my indicas are budding ridiculous it's crazy just hope she'll finish fast so I ain't gotta chop early... Patience is a virtue...IMO
a virtue I don't have. Which is why my next grow will be AK's :blsmoke: