Need A Pros Thoughts!


New Member
I need a switch, limit but not valve type, in other words not one that opens a always on type of feed like from a hose. One that will be in a rez and when the water gets low can turn on a power strip or another electrical device to fill the main rez and then go off when the level is high enough again. Now I got lots of grief for asking this the first time and after contacting every company, and also the ones some angry responders linked in their replys, not a final word as to what would work yet! One comapany reffered the question to the tech dept. and have not heard from that dept. yet. So to sum up my question seems to be one worth asking and all the smart ass repliers can kiss my buttocks because I did look.. Anyone help?? Please understand the question or ask if you don't before you answer please. Thanks in advance....kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
I think I can help you I just am not 100% sure I understand what you want, but I have designed many electrical systems to do almost anything.
If I am correct you just want a system that will fill your rez. when it gets low and then turn off so it doesn't overflow.

This can be easily accomplished with two float switches. If you give me some info about your rez. I can draw up a plan and post for you to see. The hardest part is the wiring and I could include a diagram of that as well but i need to make sure i know what you want.

Let me know and I'll help you out no prob.


New Member
Well I have a roughneck 18/gal with two tubes being fed from it. One pump inside to push the water into the two tubes through a common connected pvc pipe. The other rez I want to use will sit side by side it and will have its own pump inside waiting for it to be turned on when the level of the water in the first rez gets low, then if must go back off when the desired level is reached. Separate power for both pumps. How is that for clear?? Thanks....kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
if you're hell bent on using this method-------- here's a solution. aquatic eco systems (web search) has mercury floats that closes or opens when your feed rez is low.

Better way-----if you have the space, means, and skills. make your secondary rez higher than your primary and use float valves in both containers-----lots of way to do it---depending on your space and resources ($).

another trick------ trickle your primary rez back into your secondary to keep your nutes equalized for the whole volume of nutes.
