Need a second opinion


New Member
Hi, this is my first post here but Ive always browsed the forums and such. Im your average pothead and I love to ride motocross. Anyways on topic... I've been dating this girl for a month now and shes a major stoner like myself. We get along and everything perfect but the other night she called me and told me she tried heroin for the first time and i got pretty heated. She promised never to do it again but it pisses me off because ive lost friends mentally and physically over H. I guess its good that she at least told me she did it but i dont know whether i should just break up or just stay with her cause i dont want to go down that road lol. Any thoughts? Thanks


Staff member
explain to her calmly that she shouldnt be using , and that she would walk away from it, give her your reasons, explain to her you care and why its not a safe drug to do.

if she does it again she doesnt care enough about you to give a fuck and i would say than you need to walk away its not worth it, been there done that


Well-Known Member
Im in my mid twenties and ive seen 3 people ive known die from heroin in the last year. All younger than 25. She will only stop if she wants to stop. I dated a girl that was always fucked up on Xanax and tried like hell to get her off benzos. She never did when I was with her and we split after I found out she was fucking someone else. A couple years later I ran into her and she was finally clean. She thanked me for never giving up on her and told me I was a large part in her taking the route to getting clean. She apologized for everything she put me through and even told me that I was the kindest hearted/best guy she has ever dated. People have to want to change themselves though. I wish you the best with your situation OP. If you love her you will be there for her but in reality there is only soo much you can do... The rest is on her.


Well-Known Member
Went to a visitation for a buddy a few weeks ago who was drinking and doing H. Nobody even knew he was into it. Saw him a couple nights before it happened. Its amazing here one minute then gone the next. That's why I always hug people when I say goodbye and try not to hold grudges because it can all be over in a flash.


New Member
Sorry about your homies man i know how it feels. H can turn the nicest people into lying,thieving,pieces of shit im sorry but most of the time its true. But i also forgot to mention she has tried meth once and does pills and yayo everyonce in a while. i dont really have a problem with yayo but i hate pills especially meth lol but if shes done that whats gonna stop her from using H again you know? but she said she would never touch anything harder than yayo again. it sucks i have to ask for advice over the internet but i dont really want my friends to know and start shit. Again sorry for your loss/losses bro take it easy


Well-Known Member
You have no problem with Cocaine.......Hmmm.IMHO you need to stay away from all those hard drugs,They will grab your ass before you even realize they have a hold on your ass!Beech


Well-Known Member
I think she's testing you bro, seeing if your into H, or maybe into trying it. I think she has used H many times before she said anything to you. Dating this girl for a month, and within this month she tries H for the first time too? C'mon man think about it.....odds are against that happening. All I can say is pay attention to the warning signs, make good decisions, and stay safe! TMB-

Autistic Austin

New Member
Starting to see more stoners theese days do the powder stuff.and say it's.ok, just the name itself sounds dirty, but I see them go on little binges.
I would set it aside until you see anything else, won' long to notice if she keeps using.


Staff member
Sorry about your homies man i know how it feels. H can turn the nicest people into lying,thieving,pieces of shit im sorry but most of the time its true. But i also forgot to mention she has tried meth once and does pills and yayo everyonce in a while. i dont really have a problem with yayo but i hate pills especially meth lol but if shes done that whats gonna stop her from using H again you know? but she said she would never touch anything harder than yayo again. it sucks i have to ask for advice over the internet but i dont really want my friends to know and start shit. Again sorry for your loss/losses bro take it easy
so youre okay with cocaine......

i think youre stuck in "party mode" and either you grow upand get over it or stick with it. your choice but if youre okay with cocaine youre okay with the rest. as they are all equally harmful


I found the love of my life dead face down on his bedroom floor just last month due to a heroin overdose. Several of us have similar stories. I've never even done the drug but I hate it more than anything I've ever hated. The reality is that if she liked it at all (even just a little), she will more than likely do it again at some point. Unfortunately, she won't even comprehend the true dangers until she witnesses it or experiences it first hand. Even more unfortunate, I've never heard of a "small" or "minor" heroin overdose. The key is to never try it. Otherwise, any person that has ever done it will always run the risk of wanting to do it again for one or more of the many reasons people do it. We are all human. We make mistakes. But if she gives you any reason to think she is going to do it again, bail from the relationship man. Before you fall in love and invest all parts of you trying to save her and end up empty where I am right now. I'm a romantic and I hate saying that, but that is one drug that will always win. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I found the love of my life dead face down on his bedroom floor just last month due to a heroin overdose. Several of us have similar stories. I've never even done the drug but I hate it more than anything I've ever hated. The reality is that if she liked it at all (even just a little), she will more than likely do it again at some point. Unfortunately, she won't even comprehend the true dangers until she witnesses it or experiences it first hand. Even more unfortunate, I've never heard of a "small" or "minor" heroin overdose. The key is to never try it. Otherwise, any person that has ever done it will always run the risk of wanting to do it again for one or more of the many reasons people do it. We are all human. We make mistakes. But if she gives you any reason to think she is going to do it again, bail from the relationship man. Before you fall in love and invest all parts of you trying to save her and end up empty where I am right now. I'm a romantic and I hate saying that, but that is one drug that will always win. Good luck.
Im really sorry to hear about your situation sisko my heart and thoughts go out to you.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Cocaine is not the enemy leave blow alone!!!whats next mdma..stop the madness!!!im so sorry for your loss sisko thats fucked up no one shuld go threw that!!!


Well-Known Member
I found the love of my life dead face down on his bedroom floor just last month due to a heroin overdose. Several of us have similar stories. I've never even done the drug but I hate it more than anything I've ever hated. The reality is that if she liked it at all (even just a little), she will more than likely do it again at some point. Unfortunately, she won't even comprehend the true dangers until she witnesses it or experiences it first hand. Even more unfortunate, I've never heard of a "small" or "minor" heroin overdose. The key is to never try it. Otherwise, any person that has ever done it will always run the risk of wanting to do it again for one or more of the many reasons people do it. We are all human. We make mistakes. But if she gives you any reason to think she is going to do it again, bail from the relationship man. Before you fall in love and invest all parts of you trying to save her and end up empty where I am right now. I'm a romantic and I hate saying that, but that is one drug that will always win. Good luck.
Really very sorry to hear that, You have my sincerest sympathies.


Well-Known Member
Heroin is one of the easiest drugs to simply walk away from. Just ask her to stop in a strong voice. She will stop. Cold turkey.