Need advice 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
well this is my 3rd grow ive had bad luck with my first two grows and male plants so ima sex them early :hump: so i dont waste my time.

i had a box but destroyed it after my other plants grew out of it so
so heres my question does the aluminum foil or mylar really make that much of a differance? cus i just put them in my bathroom closet and have brown walls.

is this enuf light? i have 4 23 watt and 1 43 watt bulb in the middle i figure once i sex them ill have more light.

ima post pixx as i go and keep udating this the whole grow see if this one turns out better than my last grows

and i allready have them on a 12/12 to sex them early they also have not broken ground yet but i put the seeds in water for a day then put them in the dirt.



Well-Known Member
what is with domes? if you put seedlings in those big pots be sure not to overwater

you should read my sig links


Well-Known Member
some one on here suggested it idk it dose keep the soil moist probably avoids it getting dry between waterings ill try anything once........ so how important is it to have some sort of reflective surfice?


Active Member
it is better to have a reflective surface. or at least white walls to help reflect the lost light back onto your plants. yes it does make a difference, otherwise why would anyone do it? doesn't look that great imo. its not super, super important. but, it helps. happy growing.


Well-Known Member
nigga i roll hard lol were the monkeys at!!!!!!!!!!!

should i start from 12/12 from seeds for early sexying or switch to 12/12 from a veg cycle till they show sex then go back to veg lighting

also should i even have the lights in now they havent even broke ground yet.


i usually have them under lights before they pop, the reason why they pop out of the soil is because they are looking for light. you dont seem to have a whole lot of lighting in the room, i would def use some mylar on that, just to get more out of the cfl's youre using


Active Member
Mylar does do the trick, it's not gonna make or break a grow but definitely will help. Maybe just try and paint the walls white, that will suffice.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
You have enough light to get them started but I would look into getting a HID setup. "and i allready have them on a 12/12 to sex them early they also have not broken ground yet" Bro are you serious? They haven't broken ground yet and you think 12/12 is a good idea? I don't know alot about growing but how is your plant going to show sex before it breaks ground? Get that shit on 18/6. If this is your third failed grow maybe you need to get back to the basics! If you end up with males then that is better than no fucking plants at all because you are doing stupid shit. Also what soil are you using? What seeds are you trying to grow? where did they come from? You need more info if you want good advice.


Well-Known Member
well its not really stupid shit i just wanna sex them early so i dont have to deal with wasting mad time on males thats why all my other grows failed

and that leads to another question that i asked wich is is it better to start them on a 12/12 and go to veg once it shows or start in 18/6 and switch to a 12/12 once it grows a certain size show sex then go back to veg


Well-Known Member
i just went to the art supply store and got a project bord....... i told my girl that i was gonna paint our bathroom closet walls and she flipped lol....

also how long should it take for the seeds to break ground (i put the seeds in the dirt the day i started the thread and they were in a cup of water for 1 day and sunk before i put them in)



Well-Known Member
Good call on painting the walls white. I've heard aluminum foil can actually focus light and burn plants and mylar is expensive. I would give your seeds at least a week- week and a half since you soaked them in water instead of doing the germinating method.


Well-Known Member
cool i thought they werent gonna sprout............ i usually do the napkin thing but i just wanted to try somthing diff

wich is is it better to start them on a 12/12 and go to veg once it shows or start in 18/6 and switch to a 12/12 once it grows a certain size show sex then go back to veg


Well-Known Member
Ive never tried starting off on 12/12. I'm no expert on sexing, but I do 18/6 until they are about a foot tall then switch over until they show their sex. There are tons of ways to do it from what I read up on. Either way would work, just which one is more efficient I really couldn't tell ya.


a good way to do it, if you have the time and space, is to veg your plant enough, cut a clone off it, root the clone, and put it on 12/12, whatever sex the clone is, will be the sex of your plant. its a process, but a really accurate way if you're able to do so.


You should just get some fem seeds from a seed bank. Then you have nothing to worry about. But in any case you can put your seeds into a bag with a bananna peel and the gases from the peel actually give your seeds a 25% higher rate as fem. Dont use foil it causes hot spots. Check your trunk of your car for an emergency kit. Or walmart is good too. The set up you have is small enuf that the emergency blanket from either your car or walmart (3 bucks) if mylar and you can cut it to line the walls around your lights. At least paint the wall white that makes it 70% more reflective. Utilize as much as you can. Get 2 more reflectors for the 2 you have open. It lets ligh just go where ever. The thing about sexing makes the plant go into veg. After the plant shows 3rd true leaves then put it on a 12/12 till it shows sex. Then 24 hrs for a few days to get it back on veg. 18/6 after that.


Member more thing. I have found it very easy to germ this way. Let the seeds soak in ph balanced water 12 hours or more. If they are floating then let them sit a bit longer. Then pull out and put in a napkin. fold the wet napkin with seeds in the fold. That way the root has a place to go. put the napkin into a sandwich bag closed. I then put them into a tray with a top. put a heat pad under the tray on low. then just wait about 24 hours and they are about 3/4 inch long. Works great. Then Put them into rockwool. More air and holds 10x the water. leave them in the dome tray with the heat pad underneath. Spray a small amount of water into the tray to up the humidity level. Once the first true leaves have opened then it has something to collect light so get them under 18/6. Make sure to get a temp and humidity meter. 50% humidity through veg, 30% through flower. Good luck