Need Advice and help


Active Member
Well recently I have been looking around for local stores that sell MH or HPS lamps because it seems if you want to achieve good buds you need decent lights. Luckily I found a very close by local hydroponic store they are stocked with all kinds of MH's hps lamps, ballasts and even bigger CFL lamps.

So my questions are, Can you use a MH or a HPS light all around for every stage and will it work effectively?

Here are a few lights I am looking at specifically

Organically Grown Sun System 4


Organically Grown Sun System 5

Which one would you guys get personally ?
I am looking to grow 4-6 plants tops. :hump::joint:

I want to get a efficient light but one that uses the least amount of energy so I don't pump my electricity bill up too much.


Active Member
well i would go with ur package number 5 just due to the nature of the acutal plant. i know alot of people use both hps and Mh but if you just looking to go with something good. i get the 400 watt hps model why you may ask? cause you can get the blue spectrum in the 430 watt hps models most hydro stores sell this.