Need advice dwc question


I have transplanted my seedlings into my 2 gal dwc containers 2 days ago and today when checking them my water smelled a little funny, like kinda stale water color looked fine plants seemed fine even moved the rockwool up a little higher in the hydroton and roots looked normal as well, any help on why it smells stale would calm my worries lol only thing changed was room temp got a lil high today goin to buy better fan and some electronic meters for precision. advice would be appreciated thanks ;-)


Active Member
um... If it ain't broke, don't fix it?

I cant smell your thread, so I can't really elaborate. What is your water temp, and are you seeing anything that may be malicious?


nothing that looks malicious but room temp got to like 88 degrees for the first time maybe thats the cause accidently left fan off/ need better 1


Active Member
Room temp can be up to 90f. water temp can't get above 78, and then, only for 12 hours or so...

Check your water temp if you can. a rectal thermometer will work if you can't get a digital pen...


Active Member
No, and they don't work well anyway. Best to get digital pens, ph/temp, and ec/ppm.


Active Member
not a problem. I'd tell you where to get both pens for under 30, but it's been so long since I bought them, I don't remember... So sorry about that.

Keep us updated; if you have any problems, slime, brown roots, yellow leaves, drooping, etc, let us know and we'll try to get you on the straight and narrow...