need advice for first grow


hey all this is my first grow and its day 25 from seed, im using a 250w mh atm going to get a 600 hps next week and throw it in too and use both for veg and flower, as this is my first grow i was just looking for some advice as too how there doing and anything i might not spot or future problems thanks in advance :)


Well-Known Member
you are taking care of them beautifilly.. keep up the good work and I cant wait to see them grow..

you should start a thread over in the journal area


Well-Known Member
Wow dude - gotta say they look fat & very healthy already - and great, close together internode spacing as well.

I don't think there is much else u could do to improve them - looking fcuking hot & horny to me already!

Best of luck for the rest of it!


thanks bud they im trying my best, ive been feeding them alot more than im ment to since day 7 which is too early i was told too i feed them almost every watering keeping a eye in salt build up which aint been a prob so far if i was doing damage with over feeding them it would of shown by now ye ? will it be ok to throw a 600w hps on them too ? any ideas how much extra heat it would create ?


also anyone any idea how high blue mystic grows id like about 40grams from each plant if possible anyone any ideas on how i could reach that goal how high to let them go before i flip lights to 12/12