Need Advice going on Vacation for 3 Days


Active Member
I'm going to go ride in the dunes for 3 days and I was wondering if my seedling will survive here is some info on how far I am along. Any advice on what I should do would be great.

My seeds just popped this morning and I placed them in one inch rockwool(4 fem seeds). I bought a 1 by 2 foot ish tray with a clear dome that I placed all my rockwool and the 4 seeds in. I put a gh 3 part 1/4 tbl spoon mixture into 1 gallon of water and soaked all of the rockwool cubes but I did not fill it past the little groves in the bottom of the tray for water. I'm thinking even though I'm only using 4 of the rockwool cubes the others will help just retain more water.


Active Member
I'm leaving today around 2pm(12 hours from now) and I'll be back hopefully sunday night. Will my plants be ok?


Active Member
As long as you're not somewhere very dry, you should be fine. I'm no expert on rock wool by any means but young plants don't need a lot of water, as long as you give em some before you go, there shouldn't be any issues in 3 days.


Active Member
yeah seedlings need to be sprayed waterd daily couple times i belive and 3 days un attended isnt a good idea i wouldnt say...THEY R UR BABIES...PUT THEM IN A COOLER AND TAKE THEM WITH U LOL...OPEN IT GIVE THEN SUN AND WATER WHEN NEEDED..GOOD LUCK BRO


Active Member
Yeah, I understand that. I was stupid and excited I got my berry bomb strain from bomb seeds. One of them already is shooting up it has a inch growing up. I would bring them but I don't feel comfortable driving with plants in my car. Eventhough I'm sure I would be fine it's not worth the risk. I'll just take my chances.

Thanks for the advice guys!!!!!!!


Active Member
berry bomd nice choice leeme know how it goes was thinking about THC BOMB
Nice, if this goes well I was planning on picking up THC and widow bomb. I will do a review on the berry bomb when I'm finished because I've seen little information on the Berry Bomb.