Need Advice....hermies last 2 runs....I suspect IR light...


Could someone give some insight on IR light emitting from wireless cameras in grow rooms? Since i put it in 2 harvests ago i have been F***** with seeds....worst i've ever seen. When the camera goes to night vision mode you can see the 4 LED's light up and i suspect that's my problem. The camera was about 8ft from ladies and the hermies seemed to start at the plants closest to camera and caught like wildfire from there. The rooms is completely dark...haven't had these issues in years. I am trying to keep calm....would really appreciate any insight. :shock:


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A hermie is a genetic flaw that is like 95% genetic (if you clone a hermie, you get a hermie)
The other 5% can possibly be caused by stress such a high temps, but doubtful
Excess light or IR, which you don't have an issue with your camera, (scared someone's gonna steal them ?) will not cause a hermie.
Are you using fem seeds?
Sounds to me a male snuck in and pollinated your plants because that has happens, even using fems.
Sorry for your issues & good luck
IR will not cause them to herm. I've had a cam in my tent for well over a year with no issues. I'd be more concerned about that red LED in the first picture.
BTW, that middle lighter blue light on the right does not look like IR. True IR shouldn't produce any visible light so that cam may be adding some other spectrum in there. Some cams will have a very faint glow from the IR emitters but nothing that looks even remotely bright.
I can't comment on the camera specifically, however, a girl's been known to drop her drawers to show off her balls more than once from 'equipment' lights, as faint, green or invisible as they may seem; ask me how I know. Good luck.
I have heard other complain of issues with plants closest to camera going hermie on them. I think there is a genetic component to it because some people don't have any issue at all. If you think it could be the camera, eliminate it and see how things go.

I did a run with an IR camera and noted that the plants closest to the camera did stretch a lot more during early flower and I kicked it off after the first 3 or 4 weeks of flower. Didn't get any hermies.
I can also confirm that IR will not cause them to herm. I ran an amcrest cam in my tent the entire last grow and zero issues.
I have heard other complain of issues with plants closest to camera going hermie on them. I think there is a genetic component to it because some people don't have any issue at all. If you think it could be the camera, eliminate it and see how things go.

I did a run with an IR camera and noted that the plants closest to the camera did stretch a lot more during early flower and I kicked it off after the first 3 or 4 weeks of flower. Didn't get any hermies.
I think it’s camera specific and depends on which wavelength they are emitting for IR.
Thanks everyone, lots of great info. :lol:

I was using clones from my buddy. Could have gotten a bad cut, etc etc etc.

i have a new strain (clones) with proven seedless lineage going now. Time will tell...
BTW, that middle lighter blue light on the right does not look like IR. True IR shouldn't produce any visible light so that cam may be adding some other spectrum in there. Some cams will have a very faint glow from the IR emitters but nothing that looks even remotely bright.
I think it’s camera specific and depends on which wavelength they are emitting for IR.
It's the lack of IR filters on cheap cameras. Good cameras like Axiom, Sony,Bosch, Panasonic have good IR LEDs with good filters so only IR is getting emitted.

Lesser cameras have no filters and emit other spectrums, glow like Damien's dog's eyes and you wonder why the plants turn evil. Usually that results in nanners instead of balls though.
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