Need advice of a CFL setup


Active Member
Alright I have 2 Bubbletronics 6 plant setups, looking for a multi spec setup for each tank. Newer to the CFL side of things so input would be great, read up and such but looking for a hardcore cfl setup I guess. Any help would be great. + rep for all!



Active Member
FYI, if you care to know, I am doing an LED grow with excellent results. Hit me back if you want to hear more about it. I just hit 10 days into 12/12 with about 3 top bud sites per plant due to supercropping and FIM. I got four plants and all are about 3 feet and looking delicious, but like I said, it is a trial run. Everyone hates on CFLs and LEDs, but if they work for you, more power to you. Be sure to keep'em close, and watch your temp/humidity. I use CFL's in my clone box with excellent results.


Active Member
FYI, if you care to know, I am doing an LED grow with excellent results. Hit me back if you want to hear more about it. I just hit 10 days into 12/12 with about 3 top bud sites per plant due to supercropping and FIM. I got four plants and all are about 3 feet and looking delicious, but like I said, it is a trial run. Everyone hates on CFLs and LEDs, but if they work for you, more power to you. Be sure to keep'em close, and watch your temp/humidity. I use CFL's in my clone box with excellent results.
Alright here is my bind.

2x 90w UFO LED's
T5 system
Mad Array of CFL's

i wanna believe the LED "hype" per say i think they will work but i am starting to second guess it seeing everyone bashing. I already have the ufo's but will it be enough for both tanks when they r basically next to eachother.


Well-Known Member
Alright here is my bind.

2x 90w UFO LED's
T5 system
Mad Array of CFL's

i wanna believe the LED "hype" per say i think they will work but i am starting to second guess it seeing everyone bashing. I already have the ufo's but will it be enough for both tanks when they r basically next to eachother.
I don't know about LEDs, but as for t5 vs cfl:

T5's willcost you a lot more set up, but you'll need to run another 15-30% more wattage with CFL's to get the same quality of growth as with t5.

If you're looking for the cheapest rig, go CFL. If you want maximum quality lighting and you're willing to pay top dollar, go T5.... but if you're willing to spend that much, why not use HID lighting?


Active Member
I dunno I am a temperature freak and dont rly have a large vent capacity that i know ill need for hid and hp, + the large power usage hike which is what i truly am worried about


Well-Known Member
hmmm then LED might have to it, jus afraid because of all the bashing lately lol
Most of the criticism I've heard from LED's is that they don't perform up to the typical marketing claim that they only use 30% of the power of HID lighting for the same results. That, and most models/manufacturers are absolute crap.

I've kept a close eye on many LED grows and if I were to invest in LED I'd use twice (or more) the recommended wattage for the space suggested by most LED manufacturers. In other words, for a space that did well with 400 watts of HPS lighting, I'd use 250+ watts of LED lighting.

Also, the second newest generation of LED lamps use 5-bands of light, which makes a big difference compared the first generation 2-band lamps. However, there are now horticulture LED's that put out white light that seem to be better par light producers then the narrow spectrum LEDs. In either case, the only lamps worth considering have strictly high power LED's in 'em, with 1-5watt diodes, not those cheap little .1w things you see in all the consumer electronics.


Active Member
Ya mine are quad band, the lights are rating 3ftx3ft and my grow space is 24" wide and about 6 foot long in my closet, so these 2 lights will firmly cover the area and also the tanks will be next to each other and will get to share both LED's but we will see. I will start that journal soon so we can take the journey together:)
