Need advice on first cabinet!!


New Member
Hi guys. I'm a total newb when it comes to growing, besides what my buddy's tell me.
I'm building in a metal cabinet right now that is 36" wide, 18" deep and 70" tall. I know MH/HPS is ideal, but I'm afraid about heat.

I have a 2ft 4 bulb T5 light with veg and flower bulbs. I'm planning on doing the hempy bucket method and running a scrog. I can't vent it outside so smell and heat are two very large factors.

Would you suggest trying the t5, or getting MH/HPS? What size would fit well in that space? How many plants would you put in that size cabinet? I'm thinking 2-3 at a time. Thanks in advance!
Most importantly is figuring out some way to get some of the hot air from whatever lights you decide to use out the the cabinet. AT LEAST A LITTLE OF IT!

The heat WILL be your worst nightmare throughout this process if its just idly sitting there.

If you have 0 way at ventilation at all I would not recommend using HID lighting at all.

They generate heat like crazy and you will regret using them IMHO if you decide to go with that

As for the T5 tubes, i'm not to familiar with using those so I wouldn't feel 100% comfortable giving my advice on that end.

Good luck with the grow though, and for all things good PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE find a way to get some sort of ventilation in there.


New Member
Thx for the reply! I've got 4 120mm fans on the way. I'm going to cut some holes in the cabinet and use one near the bottom to suck cool air in, and one on the top to vent it out. I've got some carbon filters and will use those for odor. The temp in the room stays around 68 degrees.


Well-Known Member
You could prolly get 2 plants to fill it out...T5s would prolly be better for the cab, as mentioned the HIDs put out a lot of heat..