need advice on my unique growing setup.

Ok, this is my first time growing but I did a lot of research on the subject before I started. My situation is. I'm doing this low cost. I am growing 4 plants outdoors now for a month. 2 of them I am growing without chemicals, 2 of them are with. The problem is, my backyard goes shaded after 5pm. So I wasn't able to get the plants more then 12hrs of light. So I bought an aero garden indoor lamp, to give them some light after 5 and get the full 12+hrs a day. So far after 4 weeks. The 2 no chemical plants are growing great. About 8inches tall. Leaves are coming in dense, and look healthy. The other 2, I used a high P Fertilizer (was given to me free) and they are only 4inches tall, but look very healthy. Btw, these are skunk2 haze seeds I used. The soils I'm using are organic compost and they chemical plants are using miracle gro high N soil. This is a low cost setup, anyone have any tips or advice for me? I really appreciate it thanks.