need advice on shrooms


Well-Known Member
Havn't tryed it, read alittle about it, oj has just become so simple. Have any insite, or just curious?


Active Member
My only suggestion is to take no more than an 8th. A couple of my friends and I decided to split a half oz for our second time and one of my friends ended up backing out so the two of us ended up splitting it. I puked then just laid there for like an hour watching the starts fly around in the sky...

After the most intense part we just ended up smoking a ton of really good weed and then just munched. He said he had a bad trip but I thought that it was cool except for getting sick.

Does anyone else get cramped up from shrooms?

I had a quarter on an empty stomach (except oj) and it bounced all over in ma tummy.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it messed up your stomach. I don't like to have a full stomach, I prefer to eat like 1-2 hours before I eat the shrooms, so that I have somthing in there, but its not full. Last time I ate a 1/4 it was the day after I ate like 2-2.5 grams, and honestly I think that the 2.5 did more, but i'm certain that that is because it was the day after! I hope that next time I get them, I can eat a 1/4 and really see what its like!!!!!


Active Member
as a first timer i had 2 grams of shrooms mixed ina crytal light drink and they did NOTHING to me, maybe cuz i had downed 2 big juicy burgers right before lol


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it messed up your stomach. I don't like to have a full stomach, I prefer to eat like 1-2 hours before I eat the shrooms, so that I have somthing in there, but its not full. Last time I ate a 1/4 it was the day after I ate like 2-2.5 grams, and honestly I think that the 2.5 did more, but i'm certain that that is because it was the day after! I hope that next time I get them, I can eat a 1/4 and really see what its like!!!!!

i ate a couple hours b4 but i had alot to time ill eat a sandwich a couple hours b4 just to have somthing in my stomach


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good plan. When I grew some last year, I was eating them fresh, and I put them on to cheeseburgers. Tasted like any other burger with mushrooms on it, and I got good quality effects. They did however take longer to kick in like 1.5-2 hours before I felt them, but I think it was because the fresh ones were chunkier, and took longer to digest. Once they kicked in though, it was a fun ass ride!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sisterwhiskey, did others have the shrooms too? Did they feel anything? 2 grams should have been enough to trip, even with food in your stomach, they should have just taken longer to digest, and maybe made you quizy!


Well-Known Member
Not really the right question to be asking. No offense, but its not likely anyone will answer that in case you were a cop. You know the people to talk to if you get weed, just tell them to start looking for some for you, and they will ask their people, and so on. I can on average only find shrooms once a year(unless I grew them). Unfortunatly no particular time, or place, just keep askin around. I feel strongly that this is another reason they are called magic mushrooms, they seem to apear and dissapear like magic!!

Professor Gr33n

Active Member
Ive never tried shrooms, but am up for it, but all the people i know with connections to get them are all shady hustlers. so i wanna try them but i wanna know that i wont get ripped off or die so how hard are they to grow?


Well-Known Member
Hey professor, your headed down the right road, shrooms are a blast! Growing them is pretty simple, just go a google search "How to grow magic mushrooms". You'll be able to find detailed instructions. There are also several people on here with grow journals to help you get the idea. Good luck, and any ???? just ask.


Well-Known Member
:leaf:ive been kind of curious on taking shrooms, can any one explain to me what kind of "tripp" goes on while on shrooms, what are some thing i shouldnt do while on shrooms:leaf:

any advice???
Shrooms are great, I took some the weekend before last and I'm thinking about doing it again this weekend. I make tea, you just make the tea, let it stop bubbling (too much heat is bad) and pour it over the shreaded up shrooms. let it sit for like 15-20 minutes add some honey or sugar and drink, in about 30 mins you'll be seeing patterns all over the place colors will be bright and changing. LOTS OF FUN. I laughed for like an hour straight, bullshitting with my buddy about all kinds of shit.

Take them with a friend or too, make sure its a close friend that there is no wierd tension with and you'll have a ton of fun. A girlfriend or boyfriend that your close to is even better.


Well-Known Member
Deffinatly start with like 2-3 no more, you don't want to over do it the first time. Having a comfortable surrounding is the biggest key. Don't make any plans for about 6 hours, chill with some good music, and have a comfortable place to sit. Some people don't like to smoke, I find that it helps remove the before mentioned social anxiety. I find its best to not have a ton of people around, esspecially if they are not tripping with you, that is just annoying!! I enjoyed watching Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas every several trips, but some people don't, it is deffinatly a differant trip if you do. The biggest thing is to just chill, and enjoy it. Don't stress about stuff(thats y you shouldn't make plans), just take the ride they give you. You will prolly have a hard time sleeping if you do them at night, I'm usually up all night when I do. Do this stuff, and you should have a great time, and next time you will probly want to eat more, I usually feel that way. If you have more wait atleast 3-4 days before you eat them, the effects wont be as good if you eat them imidiatly. I've eatin some the next day, and hardly even felt it because the others weren't out of my system yet! So peace, good luck, and good shroomin!

Lol I'll quote myself , this is what I suggest jumifera. As far as things not to do.....Don't make any plans!
Don't go anywhere your first time!
Don't be around people that aren't tripping, or that you aren't 100% comfortable with!
Don't worry about it.

Just remember its 95% in your head, anything you think, and some things you feel, are all in your head. I suggest you get a funny movie, or maybe 2, and enjoy.:bigjoint: