Need advice on transplanting outdoor without early flowering.. .. .. early sexing??


This is not my first outdoor grow, i have completed multiple indoor and outdoor grows but never started indoor and moved out, it was either complete indoor or complete outdoor, i have been hearing alot about early flowering when introducing to outside.. Im assuming because of the drop in sunlight hours..

My first and MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS IS, How can i COMPLETELY avoid early flowering when transplanting outdoor from indoor?
I just planted my germinated seeds into soil indoors today (3/14/14), they have not sprouted yet. When they do, i plan to Veg these plants indoors for AT LEAST A month, they will probably be put outside Late April, Early/1st of May.. So were talking a good amount of Veg time here, im looking for some MONSTER plants this year with no interruptions with early flowering and then revegging etc.. Please any and all input is appreciated, especially if you have done this before with plants over 3-4 weeks old, please share with me your technique.

My Second Question/Concern is, The 5 seeds i have getting ready to sprout now are NON feminzied seeds (which is a first for me).. So i am sure at LEAST one of them will be male.. I plan to use Uncle Bens topping technique for 4 colas on ALL of these plants, if your familiar with that, i will be cutting the plant a few nodes down from the top, leaving me with plant material i can clone/sex.. Any suggestions on how i could sex these only using one grow light at the moment? Ive read if you throw them in a cup/shot glass with water in it, they will stay alive long enough to sex, if i were to mark them and put them in a cupboard with some CFLs how many days until they show sex? do i need a humidity dome? should i take the cuttings put in rockwool, put in a humidity dome and put the dome outside and let the sunlight clone them and sex them at the same time? (if its not too cold out which im sure it will be).. any suggestions please let me know..

Normally you can tell the difference in plant growth a male from a female, but id like to be 100% sure, and i DO NOT want to put the plants into flower and reveg.. i want them to stay in veg the whole time, hence why i wrote this thread to begin with trying to avoid early flower during transplant


Well-Known Member
From seed I would run a 15/9 light cycle from the start. Are they femmed seeds? Where I'm at plants don't go out till end of may first of June. What area are these going?


Well-Known Member
The only thing I can think of is solar lights. Sign lights. When the sun goes down they kick in automatically every day till about midnight.
