Need advice on transplanting..

My problem is i have a 2 1/2' plant with a stalk as thick as a pinky finger. It's outside and i need to move it in to a pot to bring indoors.. What is the best method of doing this? How deep should i dig down to go under the roots? And what size pot should i put it in? Any advice would help.. Its growing strong outdoors and if i really didnt have to move it i wouldn't but thats not really much of an option.. She's only 8 weeks old and i dont want to kill her.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
her roots are about twice the size of her canopy if grown in soil---5 gallon is fine. Biggest mistake made is the ground soil wont drain like it did when it is in a pot. Use good aeration-- volcanic rock, perlite---Me I would pull it rinse the root ball with B-1 at 1oz to 1 gal in the shade no sun on the roots. Replant in 5 gallon pot with Potting soil. Spray her with neem oil and hope no bugs hatch in the house.
Cali thanks for the advice. Where can i find B-1 at? I grew 4 outdoors last year and never used any chem. i just let them grow naturally.


Well-Known Member
Plants produce their own b vitamins as necessary and their use in horticulture has been called into question. Plants uptake nutrients pretty much only, they dont feed on carbs we give them or anything like that.

B vit solutions generally have rooting hormone in them which is probably the main reason they work.


Well-Known Member
Just from my own exprience and trying different methods, I have found that taking a lesson from transplanting trees works the best, provided you have a few days to complete the task. Your roots are going to be all over the place as Cali said, that is why first I take my shovel and cut a ring in the soil as wide as the canopy, go as deep as you plan on taking up the plant. Let the plant stand like this for a day or 3, your plant is going to go into shock at least a little bit. I use a foliar spray of super thrive, I have seen both good and bad on this but I have used it over forty years and I swear by it. Once you see that your plant has perked back up it is time to go ahead and pull it out of the ground and put into the biggest pot you can find to hold your root ball and still have growing room for the new roots. Spray the plant with super thrive again to help it over any shock ( 1 drop per gallon of water). Hope this will give you something to think about or try along with any other method and see which will work best for you. Happy growing
Thanks for the advice canefan. I have the time to move it and that doesn't sound to hard to do. I took my first couple clones from her the other day, so im gonna wait to see if they make it before i risk the mama.. I'll post how i make out & hopefully some pics.. But another ? where can i buy some super thrive & other chems.. like i said before always grown outside natuarally.


Well-Known Member
Most garden centers carry Super Thrive, a small bottle runs about $5 and will last for about 500 gallons of water. Remember not to over do, one drop per gallon. I spray my clones daily with this solution while they root and I run about 98 out of 100 successful clones. Super Thrive is great for preparing your clones, treating shock and most of all promotes great buds with good size and weight. Happy growing


Active Member
sounds like that super thrive is some good stiff! im gonna get me some:)

when do you spray it on your plants?? once a day?
Thanks everyone for the advice. After researching and long consideration plus being able to work out the issue of haveing to move her. I decided to keep her outside. I think she'll be better off outdoors in the natural sun light. Here"s some pics. She's just under 4ft now. Any ideas on how to get her to fill out more?


I think I made a good choice in keeping her outside. She's just over 6' now. As u can see in the pics. I had to pull her sideways cause u could see her from the other side of the fence. She didn't fill out as much as i wanted her to but I think she turned out better outdoors then if i would've moved her indoors. I also let her grow naturally. no chem, and let mother nature water her.

