Need advice on Washington Cultivation


Well-Known Member
It has been a damn long time since i have posted here. Just got big news from my best friend who resides in Washington that he is in the final process of approval for a producer license in a small county in Washington which will take place at the end May/beginning of June if everything goes according to plan. I have soo many questions as to where to go with this Operation. My friend who is in charge doesn't smoke weed and hasn't been around the cultivation process so he has been reading a lot of literature to get up to speed. As for me I have dabbled in it for 10 plus years now but never came close to growing on a scale that is about to be done. The building is 4k+ square feet. Each bud room is planned to be 1650 sq feet. with 120 1000 watt open bulbs in each room. Here are some of the questions I have regarding all of this and hope you guys can help :-)

1. I don't know anything about prices in Washington or what a producer would get for a lb of product. When we ran the numbers we figured 2k a pound, does that sound right?
2. Regarding Hydro vs Soil, I see a lot of people in Colorado are actually running Soil grows? If so is soil viable on such a large scale? Soil is what I am most familiar with but hydro seems to run a faster cycle?
3. 120 bulbs in a 1650 square foot room? is it doable with proper ventilation without having closed hoods?
4. Is CO2 a must when growing this much? Wouldn't it be counterproductive to go without CO2? pros/cons?
5. With 2 1650 rooms for bud will 800 sq ft. be sufficient for clones/veg?
6. Nutrients? I'd prefer to use nutrients that are a fair price when purchased in bulk. I have used pretty much every line under the sun and to be honest you can get good results with anything in my experience.
7. Trimming? On a grow of this scale what would be the best way to tackle this, is it really ideal to drop 15-25k on a trimpro?

I'm sure more will come up in my head that I am curious about but I wanted to get the ball rolling now. I appreciate all the feedback whether good or bad.


Well-Known Member
I would go with Super Soil so you can get through to harvest without adding anything except water. Would make things simple for doing large scale feeding. I've seen people get great results with it. I personally use Coco Coir and Hydro Grow, Bloom, and Cal/Mag at 5.8 pH. Hydro is insane amount of work but it does get faster growth.. Most people agree indoor soil tends to have better flavor than hydro.

1000w covers a 6 x 6 area if I am not mistaken. 36 bulbs would cover the 1650 square foot room. 49 Would be alright though... 120 is way overkill.

Trimming is best to do by hand... Hire friends if you need to. Trimming machines lower the quality.

CO2 is not necessary.. just good air intake from outside and lots of air movement to keep the plants with constant source of fresh CO2 but also just as important fresh oxygen for the roots.

i think 800 sq ft might be a little small for vegging 3300 sq ft of flowering plants. you could make it work though by cycling them through and growing shorter plants.

Sounds like a kick ass operation! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hmm so if 1000 watts covers 6x6 I imagine more lighting is always better to a point, Or is it generally 6x6 because of Keeping the room cool becomes difficult or maybe diminishing returns on your product when you use more light than that?

Again thanks for the input it is greatly appreciated.