Well-Known Member
Okay first of all i wanna thank anyone in advance that helps me out with my dilemma which is thus:
My housing situation has been comprimised in the middle of a grow. Landlord and his wife split, and the house is presumably being sold before i will get a chance to flower. However i would like to keep my mothers growing (whats growing now). My landlord and i are on a pretty comfortable level: he even cultivates himself.
Anyways my question in conclusion is: How can i convert my garden area into a stealth area in about 2 weeks? (before real estate wants to peek in on my apartment)
Im about to purchase a 6" inline fan and will hook up carbon filters but really what I'm stuck on is how to make this area light proof and also reflective on the inside...
Attatched are photos. I am running a 400 W MH with a bulb that is apparently suited for veg to flower. (i know that it will be better to purchase hps but right now im just vegging right?
I use compost mixed with blood meal and lime dolomite.
I need a soil ph meter.
I use epsom salts to water and feed the foliage at least 3 times daily.
I have my plants on an 18/6 light schedule. 6AM -12 AM
I used mylar to insulate (somewhat) and reflect light.
My temps are 26 during day and about 23 degrees celsius at night
Humidity is always at 52% or above.
I FIMmed a week and a half ago and am waiting to another week and until my garden is stealth modes to switch to 12/12 and sex.
Anthing with my grow need to be changed? plants look healthy... Thanks again in advance for DIY closet advice
Happy smokins!
- The Gooch
My housing situation has been comprimised in the middle of a grow. Landlord and his wife split, and the house is presumably being sold before i will get a chance to flower. However i would like to keep my mothers growing (whats growing now). My landlord and i are on a pretty comfortable level: he even cultivates himself.
Anyways my question in conclusion is: How can i convert my garden area into a stealth area in about 2 weeks? (before real estate wants to peek in on my apartment)
Im about to purchase a 6" inline fan and will hook up carbon filters but really what I'm stuck on is how to make this area light proof and also reflective on the inside...
Attatched are photos. I am running a 400 W MH with a bulb that is apparently suited for veg to flower. (i know that it will be better to purchase hps but right now im just vegging right?
I use compost mixed with blood meal and lime dolomite.
I need a soil ph meter.
I use epsom salts to water and feed the foliage at least 3 times daily.
I have my plants on an 18/6 light schedule. 6AM -12 AM
I used mylar to insulate (somewhat) and reflect light.
My temps are 26 during day and about 23 degrees celsius at night
Humidity is always at 52% or above.
I FIMmed a week and a half ago and am waiting to another week and until my garden is stealth modes to switch to 12/12 and sex.
Anthing with my grow need to be changed? plants look healthy... Thanks again in advance for DIY closet advice
Happy smokins!
- The Gooch