NEED advice or help quickly please!


Well-Known Member
Okay first of all i wanna thank anyone in advance that helps me out with my dilemma which is thus:

My housing situation has been comprimised in the middle of a grow. Landlord and his wife split, and the house is presumably being sold before i will get a chance to flower. However i would like to keep my mothers growing (whats growing now). My landlord and i are on a pretty comfortable level: he even cultivates himself.

Anyways my question in conclusion is: How can i convert my garden area into a stealth area in about 2 weeks? (before real estate wants to peek in on my apartment)

Im about to purchase a 6" inline fan and will hook up carbon filters but really what I'm stuck on is how to make this area light proof and also reflective on the inside...

Attatched are photos. I am running a 400 W MH with a bulb that is apparently suited for veg to flower. (i know that it will be better to purchase hps but right now im just vegging right? :)

I use compost mixed with blood meal and lime dolomite.
I need a soil ph meter.
I use epsom salts to water and feed the foliage at least 3 times daily.
I have my plants on an 18/6 light schedule. 6AM -12 AM
I used mylar to insulate (somewhat) and reflect light.
My temps are 26 during day and about 23 degrees celsius at night
Humidity is always at 52% or above.
I FIMmed a week and a half ago and am waiting to another week and until my garden is stealth modes to switch to 12/12 and sex.

Anthing with my grow need to be changed? plants look healthy... Thanks again in advance for DIY closet advice :)

Happy smokins!
- The GoochPicture 074.jpgPicture 075.jpg


Well-Known Member
stop foliar feeding 3 times a day. only water when pots are light. i would use epsom salt foliar feed when you start flowering probably once a week. you may need some cfl's if they get much bigger unless youc an keep the canopy tied down and even.

you need to actually water the roots and not the plant. water till you get some runoff to keep the soil nice and clean of salt buildup and stuff.

get some panda plastic the plastic thats white on one side black on the other and put the black against the door and the white facing the plants. use velcrow to put it up if you need to to close it off.


Well-Known Member
Well i do water the plants of course. I just figured it helps with humidity and new growths to foliar feed. Thanks tho :)
Never even considered salt buildup from overfeeding.... That could cause serious problems. So just water them with water ? No epsoms till flower?

And thats a great idea. Was wondering what that white plastic shit was called. Do you know where its available? Nearest hydro store is like 45 minute drive but canadian tire maybe?

Thanks again



Well-Known Member
amazon is where i get my supply. you can get a big sheet of it for like 20 bucks

and i usually epsom once a week after its established but you will notice most strains get hungry for cal and mag about 2nd week in flower it starts showing up more so just be ready for it around then. thats all the foliar feeding i do and thats when lights are out of course so you dont burn your plants.

it wouldnt hurt to have a bottle of cal/mag around to add to your nutrition schedule. i just ordered cal/mag plus and you can foliar feed that i may try that out because it has the mag like epsom salts have plus calcium manganese iron and other stuff.


Well-Known Member
what like the vitamins? cal/mag plus? :s sorry that kinda confuses me but i was wondering where id get raw calcium if need be.
awesome tip about feeding at night... another overlooked obvious one.
And one additional question:

where would i get velcro?


Well-Known Member
nevermind mr blu i found everything i was looking for! thanks for getting me going you were very helpful.




Well-Known Member
The real estate companies will know the square footage and if shit doesn't add up it won't be very comfortable for you. Take it somewhere else. Besides new owners will most likely want you out. Either to use the space or move in their own tenant. I'd bug out myself. While it's still on your terms, not some strangers who want you gone. Good luck man. Sorry for the shitty situation.


Well-Known Member
Hmm good to consider. Is closet space looked at too in terms of total sq ft of the house?
First time ive had to deal with real estate in years.
Personally i am buggin out but i dont really have a place to take them and there is gonna be snow on the ground soon.
Totally can see your point though.
Thanks for empathizing man it is a rough patch indeed.



Well-Known Member
Unless you make that space disappear..everyone viewing the house will be interested in seeing every part of it. I've looked at many houses and I'm always very thorough (I'm my case, looking for potential grow opportunities). The only thing I can think of is to remove the trim around the outside of the entrance, frame it with a few 2 x 4 and screw in a sheet of drywall. Put like six screws in it, so you can easily remove it with a drill. It is just going to look like a repair. Or you could just bounce..which would be the preferable decision. Good luck either way man.


New Member
When I bought my first rental property, on the walkthrough, we weren't be allowed to view the half bath off the master bedroom?? Gee I wonder what it could have been for? Don't leave it there man...JAS


Well-Known Member
totally hear that cokeyo, i know i would wanna see it all. however that solution sounds best actually. i fucking hate drywalling but i guess you gotta do what you gotta do. alright i gotta charge my drill and get on this. also i should be getting a week or two notice before this guy wants to come ( js )

and jonny what do you mean? haha you think that since you werent allowed to view a certain part it was a grow space?

bouncing is actually seeming better and better everyday..

thanks yall!

I'm personally super conservative, I would remove everything and move on, sucks, but can you guarantee you won't have LE issues if someone smells something funny?

Start looking for your next place now, the landlord is giving you reasonable warning, move under your own control, not someone's else's.

good luck man.