need Advice with clones


Well-Known Member
Bump for lighting answers, I can't talk from experience but i've read that after 2 days add a small cfl and after 7-10 they should be ready for the big lights.

I have a question about his original plan of adding nutes. If people suggest that when I clone I should lower nitrogen for the plant I am taking clones from for a week or two then why would i want to add any nutrients in the early stages of the cloning process (first 15 days)?

Low levels of nitrogen can speed up rooting, but its not a must to starve your girls before taking cuttings. With a flushed cutting you might see rooting a couple days sooner... might not. Depends on the plant.

Also during veg your plant is using mostly N. PK will enhance root growth. You dont even not rooting hormones, just a low ppm of flower nutes will work. I get great results with plain water with my bubble bucket.


Active Member
hello. i left my phone at friends who went on vacation so i cant take pics. i will be getting it back in a few days and will update. they have been on 12/12 for two days now and are filling up the scrog really nicely.


Active Member
UPDATE: day 4 of 12/12. The plants are filling out the scrog nicely. I am hoping to use the stretch to fill in the parts of the screen that are still empty. I have the two tents on alternating cycles. I plan on starting the defoliation of the underbrush in the next four days or so. I will do a little bit everyday so I do not stress them. I am running metal halide for the first two weeks to keep the internodes tight.

Tent 1
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Tent 2

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Mother plant sitting out side the tent getting sun.
I am moving it back and forth between the tents in order to give it a vegetative light cycle. Hoping the be able to cut 20 clones or so in about 2 weeks so I can start vegging more plants and throw them right into flower as soon as these are ready for harvest. Comments and Suggestions appreciated. Thank you.


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Active Member
Day 6 12/12

Here they are. I have been tucking and training under the scrog and tomorrow I will start lightly defoliating the areas under the screens where light cannot penetrate.

Tent 1
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Tent 2

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