Need advice

At this point this plant probably isn't going to be a 'contender'...but it's a great way to learn what not to do and what to do. The link that @Budzbuddha posted is a great place to start. Their tutorials are good though there's also a bit of bro-ism going on too. In fact, I had a professional friend of mine suggest that site when I went to him for help getting up and running.

So read up on watering technique. Read up on soil/water pH and TDS/PPM/EC to make sure you're watering and feeding correctly. Read up on pretty much anything you're unsure of and most of the things you're sure of. Use that as a jumping off point and not a final destination. When you hit something interesting, do a bit more searching elsewhere and you'll find info.

Start by getting the watering situation under control before you lose the last of your fan-leaves. ;)
Yeah I had a feeling, thank you for the tips. I got some homework to do