need advice!


Well-Known Member
first let me tell you i have 6 plants all female , i was doing some lst on them the other nite and noticed what look like the beginning of balls to me? or could they be swollen calyx? lights on in 2 hours to see any development, but my question is can you just take a razor and cut off of plant ? its only in one spot as seen in pics, or will it continue elsewhere later on the plant? my grow is my signature if you want to check it out as well. thanks in advanced!20130412_233913_zps6b9516b0.jpg20130412_234032_zps1537505f.jpg


Well-Known Member
those are balls you could try cutting but it may end up being a never ending battle I say if you got other girls around it just chop


Well-Known Member
the whole plant everywhere else has nice flowering going on! i hate to kill it. no one has ever tryed to cut them off with success? i thought i read on here where someone did? i just looked at it again. new grower here but damn! its got 2 balls and a bud site developing nicely rite above them! oh hard decision:wall:


Well-Known Member
so no one? guess im experimenting on this one! maybe just throw it in the woods and see what happens, hell ill cut the whole top off


Well-Known Member
I agree about fighting an uphill battle.
If you have more females, KIL IT and call it a draw; make hash out of it or something.
Good luck with the rest of your grow.