Need advise re flowering white widows/liquid koolbloom!!!


I am currently in Week 7 of flowering two very bushy white widows that have several large colas on top and smaller buds everywhere. Everything was going beautifully until I read about Liquid Koolbloom and decided to add it to my rez solution. According to a Koolbloom feeding chart that I found on here, I added 150 ppms of it to each 5 gal. DWC bucket - and after about three or four days, the girls had burned tips. So, I did a rez change and gave them just the usual nutes.

Yesterday, upon examining the girls, I noticed that there are lots of leaves with yellow margins. Furthermore, the plants hadn't drank or eaten anything (they usually drink a gallon to a gallon and a half of water daily). Both plants look kinda droopy and the leaves feel dry. So, I cleaned out the rez's, and put nothing but plain, pH'd. water to try to flush them out good. Is this the right thing to do, or should I just give them their usual nute solution minus the LKB? Should I just put half as much Koolbloom??? I'm planning on doing a two-week flush starting with Week 9. In addition, I read on here somewhere that yellowed margins are caused by a potassium deficiency.

Does anyone with experience have any advice as to what I should do? I really wanted to post pix of the leaves showing the burned tips and yellowed margins, but my camera can't get a pic where it shows up good.


Well-Known Member
Sooo your wanting a diagnoses for your plant problems? There is a subsection just for that and changing the title would help a lot...unless your actually wanting advice on how to reflower or do multiple harvests...

Yellow margins are mag and its the most common deficiency ..burned tips are to high ec/ppm


Well-Known Member
ive used liquid koolbloom before and with any nute, start off small and increase dosage. if u r in week 7 of bloom, u should be off the liquid koolbloom and onto the dry koolbloom or a shooting powder of some form. for white widow, i would have started liquid koolbloom at second week of bloom with a small dose and increase dosages till week 5 or 6 then onto the dry koolbloom. but to answer your question i believe u r on the right track flushing and going with just ph'd water. white widow is supposed to have sativa lineage and that being said sativas are very finicky feeders and usually do not like heavy doses of ferts. hope that helps u my friend and good luck flushing


Thanks for the responses and luck. I guess I missed the boat entirely on not starting the Koolbloom soon enough. I've read that the powder koolbloom is harder on the plants as far as nute burn. I'm wondering if, once I get the plants back on track -or IF, should I just continue to use less of the liquid, or should I try to use the powder? Is any kind of Koolbloom better than no Koolbloom at this stage?? So I guess the droopy leaves are because the plants not drinking, and the rest can be attributed to nute burn. I been putting calmag in, so shouldn't the mag be ok? I'm definitely looking for that subsection; I want to learn. I just want to save these big girls, too!


Back again. Maybe I'm stoned, but I can't figure out how to find a "subsection" in here. What section is it under or how would I find it, friend?