need aero advice


Active Member
my buddy has the aerogarden and is in about the 3rd week. through the years of blazin dro be accumalted a hand full of seeds and threw them in. if anyone has some viable adivse it is appreciated. haters dont waste ur time cause we know its small and the yeild will not be great but its going and something will come of it. we will probly start to flower at about 11 or 12in about 5 weeks he has some HID lights ready for that phase. we figure out of the 7 some will be males so that will cut the numbers down to proly 4 this would proly the only time that all females would be bad




Active Member
you mean the only time all males would be bad?

what kinda advice are you interested in?

are you already flowering the plants? if not you could take some clones and just mark which plant they came from so when you do flower if only one was female you'll have some copies of it...or you could try covering up a branch off each for 12 hours a day and try to sex them early that way you could cut down all but one of the males so you could get some pollen or kill all the males and only clone the femaile..

anything you wanna know bro just ask, someone here will know.


Active Member
so how can i sex them early?? can i do a couple of days at 12/12 then go back to veg. or how dose it work??

with the original light hood only about 1.5ft. but we put the HID lights at the top of closet which is about 4ft


Active Member
for early sexing you'd have to pick a branch off the plant to cover completely from the light for 12 hours use like a black bag of something of the sort, that allows you to put only part of the plant into flowering instead of putting the whole thing into flowering and reverting back to the veg stage.

an alternative would be to take a clone from each plant, label it so you know which plant is its mother, then put the clone into flowering after it roots.

if you do that, then you can find out the sex of each plant without flowering the whole thing, plus if the clone turns out to be female you could always flower it completely and find out how the smoke will be while allowing the mother to continue to grow while you decide if you want to flower the whole plant or use it for more clones.


Active Member
If you're just planning on leaving them in aero, and not customizing your lighting( which I recommend you add more light) , I would not wait 4-5 weeks to go 12/12. You have to take in account that you only have a foot in a half in aero, you will reach that height in no time. Plus take in after 12/12 your females, or what have you, are still going to grow and bush out. Go to radioshack get a spt-2 cord. That way you can take hood off and put it at any height you want. Also get mylar to put around grow setting because those lights total only put out about 3,000 lumens. And cool white isn't really going to help you when you want to flower. Get a warm cfl light or high output flourescent or some shit like that. What ever floats your boat. Airstone is a must. If you do these simple things, it should help your yield out! bye bye now.......


Well-Known Member
thought yu had hids? Hey answer us al this, whats inside an aerogarden? How big is the pump? How are the misters, are they sprinlers, misters full 360's or 180's. i am putting together my own aero set up and have the pump 370 coming and 10 misters 360 coming. I just wanna hear what the ag folks did! Sounds like you got a nice grow, vegging in aerogarden then using hids. Id clone a branch then flower that, also i wud keep vegging and see if any preflowers develop. If you put them all to flower i think when u notice the preflowers you wont mind pulling out a few males. It only 7 and they should not take up that much space before preflower! Dont stress it I say, i on my first grow and learning all i can!