Hey everyone, I know this topic pops up a lot but I'm hoping to get a little more info then I've found in all the other threads I've looked over. I'm planning on running a 4 bucket drip/DWC set up under a scrog. I have 5 ga buckets and the 411 farmkits installed on my 10"net pot lids for drip. What I haven't decided on yet is which air pump I want. I have it narrowed down to 2 options and I'am hoping to get some advice from people who've tried them both.
First option is 2 of these active Aqua 15l 4 ports
One to run all 4 drips and a second to run an air stone in each bucket, that way if one pump fails I still have air to all the buckets. However I'm not sure that this is strong enough if I follow the 1watt/ga that seems to be the magic number in most threads.
Option #2 is to use this 70l commercial pump with 8 ports to run both the drips and air stones, however I worry about heat and potential failure.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
First option is 2 of these active Aqua 15l 4 ports
One to run all 4 drips and a second to run an air stone in each bucket, that way if one pump fails I still have air to all the buckets. However I'm not sure that this is strong enough if I follow the 1watt/ga that seems to be the magic number in most threads.
Option #2 is to use this 70l commercial pump with 8 ports to run both the drips and air stones, however I worry about heat and potential failure.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.