Need an answer!!Anyone??

Hey,I have a few that are 5'-6' tall.How do I manipulate them to start producing and growing buds??How long will that take to be ready to harvest??They are all outside now.

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man-it is good fi you wait from 16-20 days(4 a seedling stage) and about then switch your lights to 12-12.they should be 16-20 cm high(depending on a strain).dont worry, theyl grow about 50-60% bigger in a flowering stage(also depending on a strain).
keep up the good work...


is this an indoor plant? or outdoor? outdoor it will do all the work for you as the days grow shorter.
But if its an indoor plant, cut your light cycle back to say......... 12 hours ON, and 12 hours OFF approx. or just cut the light back to HALF the amount of HOURS it was ON before during Vegatation stage..

And if so , WHAT LIGHTS are you using???????

**later EDIT*** ah, i missed the bit, "its outside , sorry" lol..... Haha

Outdoor, to pre-flower early, cover with a black bag, loosly. make sure NO LIGHT PENETRATES THROUGH the BAG.
then just the samee way you would indoor ( 12/12/) cover the Plants a few Hours Early....
Im no expert, but just a thought..