Need an answer !!


Active Member
So I made a huge mistake and thought since my plants were old and strong i could put fuull nutes on .. im like 5 weeks flowering .. ive been putting very little nutes in, but for some reason decided to add the full amt . my plants are dying .. the leaves are frail and crusty .. is my plant able to be flushed and saved ???


Well-Known Member
all you can do is try..... flush that bitch! you only had one week left of nutes before flushing anyway.............. patience is key my friend


Active Member
im asking .... will they bounce back even thought most the leaves are dying / dead .. 60 perc are shitty lookin


Well-Known Member
U can always try man, try n give it time. Everything will bounce back usually. Teh thing is how much time it will take and how much time will this slow ur plant down