Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!


Well-Known Member
i also just realized i have watered with nutes twice in a row now... are they overfed? it is fertilized soil aswell wich says will last for about 40 days :S
im such a newb
Yes overfed. But you are spot on about not needing anymore. LOOK! Pot grows with just water if the soil it's in isn't crap! She does NOT "need" nutrient supplements the way most (including ME) feed them. If you make a mistake, make it that you fed too little. They just need a little water and food to recover from that. Overdose her and chase that until harvest in soil.


Active Member
i also just realized i have watered with nutes twice in a row now... are they overfed? it is fertilized soil aswell wich says will last for about 40 days :S
im such a newb
you have over watered your plants and if you gave them to much feed the tips would go brown

but its always good to go light on the feed


i actually thought i'd fucked up the whole thing when i overnuted n all that, the big one looked like it was dying... but a day later they were fine again and now i will only water them for atleast 2 times ahead. thinking of flushing the soil before i put them into bloom, and i thought i should start with the bloom phase at the end of this month.
What do you say about that?

I also took some clones today, 1 of each plant, just to be sure :) they where feminized seeds but who knows, ive heard some people getting male plants out of feminized seeds.

Any thoughts? comments? Thanks again yallz :)

dag24.jpg clonesday1.jpg


Active Member
i would take 2-3 clones off each plant as some clones may not root

you need to let the soil dry out a lot even if the leaves drop you know you left it to long but give them some water and they will recover in 2hours

and you need the soil to dry out as this will make the plant grow roots to look for water and if you don't get a good root mass you will reduce your yeild a lot

you get 2-3 weeks in flower after that the roots stop growing and the plant starts growing buds


ok today the soil was completely dry even when i put my whole finger down the soil... bone dry... the plants looked good, now i watered them and they look like theyre dying again... wtf? is the amount of water the thing here or what the f*** is happening? I read somewhere that the amount isnt the problem, its the frequency of watering... is that true?


Active Member
ok today the soil was completely dry even when i put my whole finger down the soil... bone dry... the plants looked good, now i watered them and they look like theyre dying again... wtf? is the amount of water the thing here or what the f*** is happening? I read somewhere that the amount isnt the problem, its the frequency of watering... is that true?
its not the amount of water because with small plants i drop then in a pot of water and submerge 3/4 of the pot
to make sure all the roots are wet and its round 4-5 before i need to water again

you are still over watering the plants or there's something wrong with the water

i leave my water for 24 hours before i water my plants ( don't know how much difference this can make)

waters could be to cold or the ph could be out

good luck

i know if the ph


Today i did some LST on them :) in my opinion this seems to be the shit, and increase yield drasticly.. from all the clips and instructional videos ive seen this one makes sense in my brain so im gonna go with that in the future. it really opens up the plant and you can really see more light hitting the plant in total. Exprerimenting alot this first run :)

largebuds: I will use perlite next run, on the clones i took few days ago.. this soil im using is for me suprisingly good tho :) have orderd Ph kit! check

Day 30

"What say you?" :D


Active Member
hi freddyoh
they are looking good and well done with lsting the plants
sorry my internet has not been to good over the last couple of days

but keep up the good work

you need some perlight(20%) mixed in with soil next time around or buy some good quality soil, good for growing canbis in, if you can

its not a lot of money when you get quality bud :) at the end of the grow with a lot less problems

I will update with some pic's of my grow on friday


yo largebuds! thanks for the kind words :)

Yea im gonna use perlite to my clones, i have a huge order incoming with stuff from zooming goggle, ph test kit, buckets, jars, strings to tie them down, bloom nutes and clone boxes, clone gel and what not haha, like a 250 dollar order. i will recieve it tomorrow or on thursday. I also looked into perlite and it was very cheap, they also had vermiculite to sell at same cheap price, have you ever tried it? maybe unnecessary?

next month im gonna nail this whole situation by bying a MH lamp, Its gonna be for the motherplant and clones + veg phase.
THEN i got it all, veg room, bloom room, proper lights, cloners, nutes and rootgel etc.. the only thing that i really need after that is a real exhaust-fan.
right now im using an ordinary fan blowing into the ventpipes, but it workes pretty good for the moment.

Hopefully (this is wierd stuff coming from my mouth) there will be some more work to do then :D i love being in the grow room, doing all the work... ive spent hours in that room just fantizising and thinking about what will come, plan exact stuff etc! think i might have gone crazy! ;)

Looking forward to those pics man, peace !


Active Member
hi freddyoh

i think you can use vermiculite and perlited as a soiless soil but have not done it my self as vermiculite holes water and
perlited is good keeping air in the root mass so it harder to over water the plants but the more perlited you use the more often you will need to water

so i would look more into this on google if you going to use them for your clones

i use rockwall, and its very easy to use
and have done this may times with very good results over 90% of the clones rooted

but if i take 10 clones, say 9 will root in rockwall,

look for the clones that have rooted with the thickest stems and the ones that go green first 10-14 days after you put them in rockwall/perlited

maybe 4-6 will be good and other's not so good, try to keep the best clones for veging and flower as this stage,this will give you the best yeild.

i will also be taking clones and keeping a mother plant

and will show you how to pull 10-15 oz's off a plant with the right phoneo and way you have to train the plants to get this yeild
step by step but this will take over 6 months to set up
but once the plants in cycle i will be able to pull this every 10-12 weeks and with a 8 week flower strain every 8 weeks :):)

sounds like you have lot of good stuff and be good to see a list of the bits you brought when you get them.

and enjoy your grow :)


aaaaalllriiiight... so an update on my grow. I put my babies into blooming 3 days ago, and all 4 are females woohoo :)
i also recieved two tomato-plants from a friend, and put those into my growing room.

Question: Do any1 knows if this is bad or something for my cannabis plants? is there a bigger risk for diseases and infestation?

Day 39, Bloomday 3
You can see my 2 chosen motherplants to the left here :) yes i remove them and put them under a normal light after the light goes out in the atm 12/12 growing room.

and here's my tomatoplants... also some lettuce haha

the most important thing here is if this is bad for my cannabis plants or not... if it gets higher risk for infection n stuff, cos that would maka-me-a-cry-ah


one of those clones just fkn went bezerk and is growing like a weeeeeed :P ofcourse it is a clone from the one that was twice as big as the others in the start... if you go back you can see those pics.

i took two clones as motherplants just to be safe that i got atleast 1 female, but now it showed that they are all female so thats not a problem anymore...
i have the room set for 12/12 so i take out those motherplants and put them under a different light during the nights :P

in 3 weeks i will take clones from these motherplants and expand my grow abit to 6 plants total... soon i will have a veg room aswell, and then i will be able to harvest every month. I could easily fit 9 plants in here, but i think 6 plants is optimum for this room and me :)

keep it trendy guys :)



Active Member
Hi mate
There looking good and i can 2 white hairs on your plant
alway a good sign and you know there starting to go into flower :)


Yo "buddie" :D
hehe a good sign yea, female and budding.. cant get much better than a girl and some weed right? :)

do u think i will yield a ounze per plant out of these?