Need an input on grow about to start (250w hps) need tent and light advice


New Member
Hey guys so ive decided to go with some royal queen critical feminised seeds, gonna be growing 2 under a dual spectrum 250w hps (master blaster from the uk off ebay) , i want to know is 100x100x200 tent too big for two plants and a 250 hps? :confused: would that area be too much to cover for that light? , i cant switch it up to a 400w because i plan on using the one light through the whole grow and it would just cost too much, I will also be using the scrog method for this grow to optimize space. So basically all i want to know is that is the equipment list ive listed good enough for the two plants (royal queen critical) and is a 100x100x200 grow tent too big for a 250w hps? :confused: Thanks guys :joint::joint:
5" inline kit, (fan , ducting and carbon filter)
250w hps (dual spectrum)
2x 18 litre pots
2x 7 litre pots (before transplant)
1x litre of bio-bizz grow nutes
1x litre of bio-bizz bloon nutes
Coco medium from canna
1x Hygrometer for temperature and humidity
and a homemade scrog net


Well-Known Member
100x100 is a meter square or 39x39 which is over 10 sq ft a good lighting goal is 50w/sf with the 250w your at 25w/sf. A 400w would be a better choice in a tent this size. with the 80x80 you will have almost 40w/sf which isn't great but is acceptable.

2 other items I'd add to your list of supplies if working with coco would be a ph meter and a bottle of cal-mag. I know you have the canna product but it's still coco.


New Member
Thanks for the reply WattSaver, as i stated i cant actually use a 400w HID light because it would cost to my money on my current eletrical plan, Tryna save them watts you know WattSaver ;) XD, ive changed my mind and am going with this setup/tent

You will find the dimensions of this tent in the pictures below the product on the ebay page
Will you read the dimensions and then tell me if they will be an alright size for 2 plants and the 250w light? cheers and i really appreciate the reply dude! Happy Toking everyone!