Need design help !!!!!!

Hello, this is a COMPLETE LEGAL GROW IN COMPLIENCE WITH SB 420 and prop 215 !!!

I have a 7.5 x 4 FOOT GROW AREA and need the best way to grow 30 (FLOWERING) plants any ideas ???:leaf:


New Member
yea...keep your plants small. grow sog. get 2 3x3 flood tables and you should be able to fit 15 pots per table pretty easy. if you are buying rooted clones then go straigt to flower to keep them small. 1-2 gallon pots should be perfect. try sunshine #4 mix with worm castings. use house and garden 2 part soil nute. get a good pH/ppm meter. if you get the flood tables then tilt them to 1 side slightly. install a drain fitting on 1 end. that way when you water you can catch all the runoff in a bucket. also helps to clean the tray...just use a hose or a bucket of water and rinse the tray out. i'd use 1 400w per tray. try the new hortilux super hps bulbs. they are great. more blue in the spectrum. you could also do a perpetual grow. that way you get a harvest every month instead of every 2. just start 15 in 1 tray and 30 days later start another 15 in the other tray. just some suggestions. good luck bud.


New Member
Hello, i forgot to mention i would prefer it to be hydroponics and i as going to use compost tea too......
well then..go for hydro. not sure what setup you are looking at. if you are new to growing i strongly recommend you go with soil. much higher chance of you actually pulling a crop. hydro for new growers is a recipe for disaster. it can lead to so many problems that you just can't catch up when you really should be learning about your plants and dialing your nutes and environment in.


New Member
and also could i still do soil and just do a flood and drain system for watering because i will be unable to regularly water myself ??
with soil you only have to water once every 2-3 days depending on plant health and pot size. you could do soil or coco in smart pots and just flood the tables. that would actually be a lot more work than mixing up 5 gallons of nutes every 3 days.

if you were going soil and wanted 30 plants total in that space i would push them to flower as soon as they were rooted clones. maybe veg them a week or 10 days more. i'd keep them under 12". you could LST and TOP 1 time maybe. that way you get 15 3' plants in flower per tray.


New Member
Would it be better instead of 400 watt's to use 2 1000 watts per 3x3 and would i get significantly more yeilds ??
Definitely not. It will only add heat to your room and waste electricity you don't need that much light penetration for 3' plants. It would be a complete waste. I would say dual 600w ballasts would be worth it. Look at lumatek's dual ballast. 2 lumatek ballasts in 1 housing for about $275. Has to be wired 240v though.


New Member
what would be your rec. on the intake and exhaust system too ??
that's gonna depend on a LOT of things. like the ambient temps of the room; how much heat is created in the room (i.e. lights, ballast, pumps, dehumidifier, co2, etc...); running lights during the day or at night, etc.. could be anything from an intake exhaust fan with vented hoods or a portable a/c unit.