Need Experienced HID Growers to Examine my setup for flaws*includes pics*


New Member
Hello, I have finally got my first and only female plant budding under 12/12 HPS after 5 months and a total of 11 plants{10 being male} and so would like to quickly make sure I'm not doing anything wrong that I've overlooked as I am experiencing some leaf tip curling among other small things.

The bloom system is as follows;
600W HPS 12/12 schedule 6am-6pm{6:00-18:00}
40% CocoPeat 60% Perlite evenly mixed
1330~1610 PPM 50L Resevoir{using 350PPM tap water}
Watering 6:15-6:30, 9-9:15, 11:45-12, 14:30-14:45, 17:15-17:30{2Hr 20Min drain time}
20W Fan blowing from pot level upwards skimming tips of plant and hitting HPS Globe
Carbon Filter 2M away with 3M Tubing sucking air from directly above Globe

Leaf Curling Left.jpgLeaf Curling Right.jpgFan Direction.jpgStem Healed Area.jpgGrowth Log.jpg

1. I am experiencing a fair amount of leaf tips pointing down{some drooping}, It's pretty much isolated to the top area of the plant but doesn't effect all the tips, some even point upwards???
2. With all 11 of my plants i have had varying amounts of white spots occuring on the leaves which can progress to large spotty patches, on this particular grow they are mainly isolated to the bottom leaves but a few spots can be seen at the top if you look hard enough.
Though they haven't caused any noticeably negative effects on any of my plants.
3. While attempting LST on the main stems{shes topped} I split her straight down the middle, after freaking out I searched and followed instructions to tape her tightly, I'm not sure if she is healing all right? I read that I should leave the tape on for atleast 1 week but after 4 days{yesterday} I took it off because it looked like it was strangling her. She is very thin where the tape was and has weird white bumps scattered everywhere nearby.

Veg system;
600W M/H 18/6 schedule 3am-9pm{3:00-21:00}
40% CocoPeat 60% Perlite evenly mixed
630~1008 PPM 50L Resevoir{using 350PPM tap water}
Watering 3-3:10, 6:30-6:40, 10-10:10, 13:30-13:40, 17-17:10, 20:30-20:40{3Hr 30Min drain time}
20W Fan blowing level across tops of plants
Carbon Filter 2M away with 3M Tubing sucking air from directly above Globe

1. I'm noticing my carbon filter can't handle the shed volume so I need an easy way to either increase the carbon filters efficiency or lower the volume it needs to clean, the shed is 5m x 10m x 2m while my carbon filter is only designed for a 2m x 3m x 2m insulated shed.
2. On my next grow I plan to use 100% Perlite, is this a good idea?
Also will I have to adjust my watering times and by how much?{my friends can't believe how much I water them already}
3. I'm considering purchasing auto flowering feminized seeds from Herbies, is it possible to clone auto flowering plants?
If so are there any special considerations I would need to take into account?
4. On my next grow would i be safer to:
A. use my 2m x 3m insulated shed.
B. grow indoors with the same equipment.
C. build a new shed inside my big shed{I have a neighbour across the road who watches us all day from his front window}

I know I'm asking a lot but I tried to be as informative as possible to allow you guys to make more informed replies due to some of the other threads I have seen around here.

THANKS for ANY help you guys can provide, I really appreciate anything you can share.
I cant answer all your questions but iv read that technically it is possible to clone auto's but its not practical in any sense, the clones would need to be kept under very cold temps to stop them from flowering,iv read elsewhere of a few people trying it but giving up because it was way too much hassle.

As far as growing in straight perlite go's i would use a hempy bucket if i was going to do that. I would think you would have to water a lot more than you are doing just now if you're going to use normal pots.

All the best


Well-Known Member
get normal fem seeds from herbies... dont get autos.. and go to coco hempy buckets... close to 5.8 ph as possible and ull love it.. even more if you go vertical....20131226_191645.jpg


New Member
Thanks for what you blokes have been able to share, there is still much for me to learn unfortunately.
I'll throw the autos idea out then no sweat.

What is the benefit of hempy over flood/drain?

Vertical looks too hard for my level lol.

I could combine hempy and my flood/drain together but will it really effect my grow?

Also still heaps of questions in my OP but I will take whatever answers I can get :P

Cheers guys.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for what you blokes have been able to share, there is still much for me to learn unfortunately.
I'll throw the autos idea out then no sweat.

What is the benefit of hempy over flood/drain?

Vertical looks too hard for my level lol.

I could combine hempy and my flood/drain together but will it really effect my grow?

Also still heaps of questions in my OP but I will take whatever answers I can get :P

Cheers guys.
Never did flood and drain, but hempy is passive hydroponics... I love it my plants grow quick vertical is easy.. Just get a vertical socket and ur good. There's good threads one here.


New Member
I could implement hempy in my next grow, but how high and wide would I need to run a Vertical system in order to outdo standard growth?

You double posted one of the links, but I'm viewing them now anyway :)


Well-Known Member
I could implement hempy in my next grow, but how high and wide would I need to run a Vertical system in order to outdo standard growth?

You double posted one of the links, but I'm viewing them now anyway :)
see, eek with normal lighting with a reflector to my understanding is light only truly comes fom the bottom of the bulb.. The top is light being reflected down, which has lost intensity.. U follow me so far?

Vertical bare bulb, allows emits light from all sides of the bulb. A complete circle. What I'm doing is a vertical scrog. I, vegging them and gonna tie them to the wall and when I start to flower, I will lower the bulb to the middle of the plants so the middle is opened and can get maximum light.

I'm gonna have plants on the wall in verticals scrog, and regular plants around the other sides. All will be coco hempys


New Member
Ok, I can see the benefits of using the maximum amount of light that the bulb is outputting, You've pretty much sold me.

I certainly would like to give this a shot though I am a little worried about incorrectly training the plant through the net, hopefully a bit more research should fix that.
Assuming I understood you correctly, during veg you have the bulb hanging off the roof to promote vertical growth?

PS. do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong to cause the leaf tips to point up/down on my current plant??

EDIT - I just saw the picture of the Vert{600} where the dude isn't even using a net, I know I could organise that setup easily but by not using a net to prevent the plant from shading itself would he lose much potential yield?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I can see the benefits of using the maximum amount of light that the bulb is outputting, You've pretty much sold me.

I certainly would like to give this a shot though I am a little worried about incorrectly training the plant through the net, hopefully a bit more research should fix that.
Assuming I understood you correctly, during veg you have the bulb hanging off the roof to promote vertical growth?

PS. do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong to cause the leaf tips to point up/down on my current plant??

EDIT - I just saw the picture of the Vert{600} where the dude isn't even using a net, I know I could organise that setup easily but by not using a net to prevent the plant from shading itself would he lose much potential yield?
Ive just started this method, another grower did the same thing that I'm doing to you.. And it's sold me and I'm glad I made the switch, you don't train the plant in the net, you use pipe cleaner and spread the plant apart and just use the pipe cleaners to 'fasten' them to the next. I haven't did anything to mine with the net, because I'm finding bigger saucers because once they are pipe cleaned to the wall. You cannot move the plant. I bought a box of 1k pipe cleaners for 20 bucks shipped.

The whole grow I got a screw hook in my roof, with a rope ratchet hanging down attached to my vertical light socket. I'll link you on in a second.

no clue on what your doing wrong because I haven't had problems doing this. Just a few dis colored leafs and I think it's from not feeding frequently enough.

I should also mention another method called KISS feeding

kiss means keep it simple stoner
all you need is 7 gallons of maxi bloom from start to finish. No other additives are needed.

Also, since I switch to coco hempy you have to water every day, every water has Nutella and as close to 5.8 ph as possible but don't go crazy over it. My grow is on the second floor, so lugging jugs up and down stairs was a pain in the ass. I just made a 20 gallon res I'm going to use. I'm getting bigger run off catchers and a wet vacuum so I can tie them down and suck the run off out without having to move the plant.

I read your edit

I'm actually going to be doing both here in a little bit. I just need to take more clones. I'm going to do 7 (3) gallon coco hempy buckets tied to the walls. I want the whole wall to be covered in buds haha.. Then I'm going to do an additional 5 in regular coco hempy not being against the wall.

My problem is I don't got good genetics.. I'm hoping to order some very soon so I can flower my 3 coco hempys I got 3 in soil too but I want to get rid of all soil and bag seed plants buy seeds and start cloning and stuff over again


Well-Known Member
The white spots are mold, get a dehumidifier, point the fan on the plants 24/7 . Ditch the 'wind tunnel' . Don't get autos you'll go from one tragedy to another.
Reduce flooding. 6x is too much cut back to 2-3 .