Need EXPERT advice here


Active Member
Ok I took a plant down and on one of its main colas I have noticed a bud where some of the brown hairs have turned pure white.

The immediate thought is mold, but it isn't on the buds or in any sort of web or fuzz, just some pistils that have been brown have turned white!

I have isoloated it but I can't find shit about it in google... anyone ?! Please..


Well-Known Member
Would it be new hairs? Doesn't seem logical for brown hairs to turn white unless there are some unknown issues. You should smoke it first and see what effects it has...


Active Member
can't get pics up but I swear it happened.. its nothing I have ever seen before... its as if these few hairs have molded but not the bud.. I picked them out last night and I have checked today and the bud looks fine, no sign of mold at all.. I don't think it was mold.. but it's a mystery.. defo not new know new hairs look creamy white, but these hairs went as white as this comment box..not normal


Active Member
Did it get pollinated? Is there a baby seed inside the calyx with the white hairs?