Need fan help (w/pics)


Active Member
Sup ya'll. so before i install my 4inch inline duct fans im just curious where to place them, i edited this photo with windows paint so please excuse the crudeness of it.



Active Member
17 views and no help ? c'mon guys
the words are too small to read.

I would add another exhaust fan.
Also I make sure the air travels in a circular motion to cover the whole box. So dont place the fans across from eachother, know what i mean? Place them on like same side so the air travels all the way in then back out


Active Member
the words are too small to read.

I would add another exhaust fan.
Also I make sure the air travels in a circular motion to cover the whole box. So dont place the fans across from eachother, know what i mean? Place them on like same side so the air travels all the way in then back out
Ok so the same side, on on the bottom on the top then ?


Active Member
intake on bottom exhaust on top and same side :)
Tellin ya though you may want to get another exhaust one in the future :)
Nice sturdy lookin box too
LOL thanks i take pride in my box making skills, well im gonna buy 2 4"inline duct fans so, hopefully thats enough, and by another exhaust you mean 2 exhauts and one intake ?


Well-Known Member
You need air intake and air outtake. Usually cool air in from the bottom and hot air out someplace up high in the cab. Still need a circulating fan as well. Paint the cab flat white and your ready. Make that your veg. room and start on the flower room needed in about 5 weeks.


Active Member
its not about how many fans you have on your exhaust its about having the right CFL for cubic air space in your unit. for a box so small you may not even need an intake fan but just an adjustable vent, naturally this depends on the ambient temperature where the unit is located.

The smallest unit i have is 2 x 2 x 3 ft , which does have an intake and an exhaust 4inch inline fan which are sold as bathroom extractor inline fans, rated around 93CFM . the intake fan only kicks in if the temperature rises to a certasin degree, and cuts back off when it falls to a predefined level. the exhaust i run on a timer to allow humidity to build which is ideal for vegetation. flowering again, also benefits from humidity contruary to popular belief but of course this exposes you to budrot and other funguses... good if you keep a close eye on it, however many growers prefer the safer approach of removing dampness from the air.


Well-Known Member
hey fellas, I am also looking to set up some air moving fans in my 3 by 3 by 5. Could you point me in the right direction to get some inexpensive in-line four inch, esp with a thermo switch on for the intake! any info would be greatly appreciated.