Need Good, Clear information!


Active Member
Ok, im really excited and interested about growing and learning how to improve my plants. I have a couple questions and i have checked the FAQ, but i wanna know what you outdoor growers opinion is about the setup i have.

As of now, i have 4 4X4 Burlap sacks zip tied together filled with Pro Mix (Which is a son of a bitch to haul 200+ yards when there was a hole in the bag after it rained through a swamp lol...) Each bag will have 2 plants in each.(Will there be enough room for root growth??) But anyway, when i transplant my plants into the sac's, im going to mix in MG perlite and MG blood meal. The Blood meal is 12-0-0.( Is this a good thing to use during veg?, and is there other things i could use??) And as for the perlite, does this really help?

Now are there any fertilizers i could mix into the water to help the plants out aswell?? And im growing in a swamp, but there is running water coming from the swamp that i plan on using( Its a fairly fast current and there are plants thriving around it aswell.

I know this was a long read, but im sure you all were noobs at this, and id really like growing to be apart of my future, and i want to get educated about it. Thank you all for reading and id appreciate your guys opinion:joint:


Well-Known Member
what im going to do the day I get my site ready is im bringing eggs and bananas for lunch and when we're done banana peels and ground up egg shells are great for your soil probably gonna bring some other things too, keeping it organic


Well-Known Member
As of now, i have 4 4X4 Burlap sacks zip tied together filled with Pro Mix (Which is a son of a bitch to haul 200+ yards when there was a hole in the bag after it rained through a swamp lol...) Each bag will have 2 plants in each.(Will there be enough room for root growth??) But anyway, when i transplant my plants into the sac's, im going to mix in MG perlite and MG blood meal. The Blood meal is 12-0-0.( Is this a good thing to use during veg?, and is there other things i could use??) And as for the perlite, does this really help?
most of that sounds ok ,perlite definately helps with drainage ,blood meal is a great food for the plants during the veg stage.
but the only problem i can see is two plants per sack(never grown this way)
but like a pot i think it may get too crowded.

Now are there any fertilizers i could mix into the water to help the plants out aswell?? And im growing in a swamp, but there is running water coming from the swamp that i plan on using( Its a fairly fast current and there are plants thriving around it aswell.
fish emulsion ,is a great fert for growing


Active Member
Also, currently my plants are under 24/0 light. Before i put them outside should i change up the lighting cycle? And also, i was thinking about putting them outside a couple days before transplanting them outside. Would this allow for the plants to get comfortable with the sun?

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
never grow 2 plants in one sac
always have plants in separate places where their roots will not come in contact. they will kill each other because their natural instinct is to outgrow the other plants. you MUST have 1 plant per sac.


Well-Known Member
Ya can have 2 plants in a pot. Ya just need a big pot. See photo below. Ya want to tell me they killed them selves?



Well-Known Member
Ya can have 2 plants in a pot. Ya just need a big pot. See photo below. Ya want to tell me they killed them selves?
yes i agree with the growing of two plants in a pot it can be done it is just not optimal ,
as to killing the other one no i don't agree with that.

if you are growing 2 per pot outdoors they tend to use the water too fast so they need watering more often.