Need Grow Teacher- Im good listener


Hello my fellow stoners. i'm pretty much just posting this because im curious and i fell that i have a very prime spot for growing marijuana and i just need a mentor along the way.

Ive Currently been reading and watching videos on the best ways to grow outdoors. Sadly everything ive done so far has just left me with more question.

P.S I live in Dayton, Ohio currently im sure the climent is not warm enough for any real growing to take place but if someone could please just list me with some information on:
When i should plant the seeds.
How long it will take.
how to flip over the plant or whatever.
how to get the buds off the plant after its done.
how to tell female from male.
There are alot more questions and i'd really like to talk to someone one on one in a more private setting.

SO PLEASE if you have ever successfuly grow marijuana out side and you think you have the time to take me step by step through the process please let me know.

:leaf:STAY BLOWED:leaf:


Active Member
grab a book yo. there are a lot out there on the subject. you wil learn more through reading and trial and error then any one person can teach you. then if you get stuck or run into a problem you cant figure out post pics and a thread and you'll get some real good answers. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Plant seeds whenever its warm enough. Time it takes depends on the strain, when you plant it, and if you decide to force flower it. Basically indica will take less time to mature, but a specific answer would require a specific strain and depends on the sun. They will naturally flower as they mature and seasons/sun change though you can force flower a plant by giving it an extended period of darkness (typically 24-72 hours) which outside is usually done by covering the plant in some black plastic ect. To harvest the plant you simply cut it down and go about drying it with one of the many methods. As for telling sex, just google image it. You'll see comparisons of plants with pistols and balls. Feel free to PM me any questions you run into but I'm mostly and indoor grower so my outside knowledge is somewhat limited so would probably be better to just post them for the masses to see or find someone better


Orbit, How many seeds would you recomenned for outside and should i put the seeds in the ground and fill the holes with soil that i purchased or buy like little plastic plant growing containers. and what happens if one day its VERY rainy will it kill the plant like drown it.


Well-Known Member
Plant in pots under some tube lights, when warm enough transplant outside. More chance of making it, this way too.


Well-Known Member
/\True, if thats a possibility go that route. If not I would recommend at least germing inside in a plastic bag and transferring outside once they've sprouted. Jiffy Pellets or Coca Fiber pots can be good to plant in as they will eventually degrade into the soil as the plants roots smash through the sides or if your looking to save some cash a homemade newspaper pot will do basically the same thing. If it was just midgrade seed however personally I'd just dig my holes, fill them with the good soil and then plant my seed in that. (These are natures plants after all so they are not to shabby as germinating/rooting themselves. Even though its prefered to more closly handle the plants when they are small since they are much more susceptible to things like to much rain, to much wind, animals trampling them, ect) As to how many to plant, thats all up to you. Its about a 50/50 male to female ratio so plant double the amount of you want and hope that half turn female. Or plant a few extra but of course keep in mind the more plants the more visible they become to outsiders.
One day of heavy rain will not kill the plants, but if your area becomes flooded then yes you could get root rot which may kill the plant.

Nows a good time to also be researching soil conditioning/prep so you can start using things like wood ash to treat the soil


Active Member
you should germinate the seeds first, then place them in the soil (the sprout coming out of the seed facing DOWN so that the shell will push through the dirt).
otherwise its just a matter of digging your hole and feeding it with the right nutrients. cruising through threads on this site will learn you up very quickly!
i suggest reading the grow bible! google it, it'll come up for free as a PDF file somewhere, thats how i read it. very helpful
happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
cruising through threads on this site will learn you up very quickly!

happy growing :)
This is the main thing. Almost every aspect of this hobby can be done many ways, which results in many opinions. Really just best to research them all and pick what you think is best


do my seed need to be watered daily. and since there out side do i need to transplant my plants at any point? and if i do how is this done .
What i ment to say was, Are my seeds going to need daily watering after in the ground. Will i ever need to transplant my bush when the time comes. Should i grow then in pure purchased soil from the store or use a little mother nature. MAIN QUESTION : How close can i plant them to each other, and if you recommend a pot to plant the seeds in, is it ok if i put more then 1 seed per pot.
Thanks, Happy smoking



Well-Known Member
Seedlings I tend to water often but lightly, say once every day or two. Once a plant has rooted well enough I switch to about once a week but for me that depends on the pot size and how much water the growing medium can retain. Outside it will be a bit different, I would try to get them water while they root but once they are hopefully you'll be lucky and nature can handle it for you most of the time. That said theres bound to be dry spells where you'll need to water the plants. So hopefully there is a source of water somewhat close to the spot. As for the soil, the more you use the better but I'd probably just dig about a 1-2 gallon whole to fill with soil and leave the rest natural. I say that simply because that should be enough to provide some good base soil for the plant to start in and possibly be fed from while still not costing you a shit load in soil cost or the trouble of dragging soil to the grow spot. (I personally don't like it but you could consider also using a soil like Miracle Grow Moisture Control as its designed to retain moisture pretty well. Where something like Roots thats based on Coca Fiber drains much faster. )


Well-Known Member
Oh didn't even notice this one(is this only one?). Spacing depends again on a lot of factors. One is visibility, many people like to space the plants so its not one huge clump of weed. Another is of course the genetics of the plant. Most importantly though is how you grow it. If you want to really grow a bush then your probably looking at super topping which means a plant can grow easily 3ft or more, so you would want six foot spacing as a minimum(more would certainly not hurt). On the other hand I've seen people use Rubbermaid containers and simply fill it with soil and grow 4-6 plants which is hardly any spacing at all. When you do that though you run into the foliage meshing and fighting for light while the roots fight over resources. Some outdoor growers also use LSTing principals to have their plants run accross the ground rather then grow up (for visibility reasons) which means rather then going 7feet up it would need to go 7 feet either in a circle around itself or straight out. I know none of that is an exact answer but hopefully get you going a bit, I would start looking at the gallery sections to give yourself a better idea visually how big these get. (Transplanting was already answered btw, it really is only for use if your growing in a pot and then moving it outside or to a bigger pot as it grows. Or if your lot is discovered and you need to make it vanish)


Alright i only have a few more sorry lol, Ive read things like you need to give ur plant like 12 hours of light? and then like go dark with it or somthing? if i just leave it out side 24/7 will this step be taken care of?


Well-Known Member
Yes, thats what I meant before about seasons/sun changing. As the day naturally changes in amount of daylight hours the plants will eventually be triggered to flower. You can force this though by covering the plant in something blocking all light such as plastic. This makes the plant think season is ending soon and it must hurry and produce pollen or seeds.


Yes, thats what I meant before about seasons/sun changing. As the day naturally changes in amount of daylight hours the plants will eventually be triggered to flower. You can force this though by covering the plant in something blocking all light such as plastic. This makes the plant think season is ending soon and it must hurry and produce pollen or seeds.
Alrighty just a few more ithink more than one plant grow from one seed i always here people talking about mother a daughter plants or some crap idk? u know what im talking about.


Well-Known Member
No. A seed only grows one plant. The mother they are talking about is when you clone a plant, the plant the clones are pulled from is called a mother. Don't worry about number of questions though, just try to keep them clear and I'll answer what I can, gives me something to do while relaxing for the night. Keep in mind though most of my answers have been pretty vague, I just don't like telling new growers a specific way to do something because its important to understand there is no right or wrong way just the way that works for you.


Okay will miricale grow work like i have this shit u mix in water and there like blue little things and i have the soil miricale grow are these ok things to use?


Well-Known Member
Yes. It's a very strong fertilizer so you want to be easy with it. Many say start with 1/4 strength and see how the plant reacts, I think thats a bit to cautious but whatever floats your boat. If you use this as the fertilizer throughout the entire grow you won't have to worry to much about salt buildup since your outside, but you will want to flush the plants before harvesting. (When talking about any miracle grow product pretty much expect people to say it sucks and won't work. In reality though they can work very well and have for me, you just have to use them right.)