Need guidance for 2x4x5 area


Active Member
I'm in the early stages of planning a scrog grow in my closet which I just cleaned out to barely make the 2x4x5 cut off. I'm planning on using a 400w and clones from local dispensary. Main questions..

1- How many plants. I've seen a lot of posts saying 1 is a lot of work already.. but it seems like 1 plant will take a while to veg.. and the 3 month flowering period is long enough honestly. I was thinking maybe 2 plants would be better for a 400w but what about...

2- Buckets. Should I be using one single container like Hemp Goddess? What about 2 separate 5 gallon buckets? What would be easier for a scrog? I imagine it won't matter in veg/early flower but.. if I have to keep changing water at least once a week and those buds are growing huge.. how am I going to be changing water..

3- Pumps. Honestly have not done research on these yet at all... I'm thinking it would be the best way to change water. Could it work like this diagram?
I don't really want to make any holes in the bucket/container because of leaks so I was thinking instead make the holes in the lid. Then attach some tubing as seen in the picture then pretty much attach some sort of water pump one way to suck water out and another way to pump water back in... could it be that simple?

4- Ventilation. Since it's going to be in a closet, would I need a separate intake ducting running from a nearby window in my room? I mean it's going to need some sort of fresh air right? If it's just a tent inside a closet, that air in the closet won't be enough right? but I really want to keep the closet door closed and also not make a hole in the closet door as well. I'm also going to be making a hole at the top of the closet to serve as an exhaust which also leads me to what kind of fans to use...

5- Fans and directing heat/air. Ideally, I would like this sort of setup w/ just one 400 CFM fan..
but would that work? or would I be better off attaching more ducting to the right of the light to the outside of the tent AND THEN setting up another exhaust ducting like here..

Any kind of info/suggestion would be really appreciated!


Well-Known Member
You could fit 2 2x2 scrogged 5 gallon buckets. Top of screen about 26-30 inches. Since vertical space is limited go with air cooled hood. Slap a carbon filter at the end of the reflector suck room air thru the filter thru the light and outside. Use passive intakes to draw room air in.

Any air pump will do. Id make sure 10LPM per bucket.

Buckets i use blue gal buckets from lowes for $3 a piece and get 6in netpot lids for $2 per. $2 air stones 6inch blue and some tubing 100ft for $12


Active Member
Awesome, thank you for the response and stopping by!

When you say 26-30 inches do you mean from bucket lid to top of screen?

and when you say suck room air through the filter, do you mean tent air or my actual room air?
Should I have a separate duct running to the outside of the tent and into my room for fresh intake?

Also I think 1 plant is totally out of the question because of how long it would take to veg and you suggested 2, but what about 4 and what about using a single container?
I was thinking maybe 4 smaller plants in one big 10 gallon bucket and some sort of 4x2 custom screen. The only concern I would have is 10 gallon too small and would 4 plants be too much/weak stems.
Only reason I'm thinking 4 is because I want to cut down veg time, but honestly I think 2 is the perfect number for this size/operation like you said, but wanted some input anyways.
Also what if I put 2 plants in a 10 gallon tub? Reason for that is because I want to get a 24/7 PH meter and they're about 300 bucks so 1 is a lot already. but maybe I'm overshooting it for now anyways.
I think the biggest advantage of 2 5gallon is different strains right?

and one more thing about ventilation.. could you take a look at this and tell me which you think is a better setup?
i would prefer the easier way, but I feel like splitting it might be better? or am I just trippin
and do you think I'll need another fan for intake either way?
400cfm is so much for this space- it should just work with negative pressure and suck in air easily without intake fan right?

*sorry forgot to mention I'm planning on closing the closet doors but leaving the right one slightly open about 6 inches for that intake hole, just gonna run some ducting from bottom of tent to there like in the pics
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Well-Known Member
I meant 26-30 inches from floor to top of screen.

4 would work in a tote like setup if you're using known females, which you said you were.

Guardian is a nice continuous ph/ec meter. I dont think its overkill at all. Anything that makes it easier. DWC is a lot of work.

Get a 27gal black and yellow top tote from either wal-mart or home depot. They call them tough totes or something. About $12 per. Will hold about 20 gallons which would be enough for 4 plants. I would get (2) totes this way you can lift the lid off and put it on another tote for res changes and shit.

You are right more plants less time it takes to fill a screen. I have a good set of plans for a 2'x2' screen that mounts to netpot lids, but could easily be adjusted for a 2'x4' screen on a tote.

Its tough for me to guide you on ventilation because I dont know a lot of things. Like can you route a duct outside?

Simplest setup is like I said.

Carbon filter > Fan > Reflector. Push air into the reflector, this way no air gets sucked into the reflector via negative pressure and air leaks in the reflector.


Active Member
Those totes look great but what would you suggest cutting the holes with? Those lids looks kinda heavy duty.

For res change, would it be chill to remove the lid like that when deep in flowering? I feel like it would be pretty hard with huge colas like that.
Could I get a water pump next to my sink (right across closet) and just use some tubing?
I was thinking of making a hole on the lid, extending tubing all the way near the bottom and using a water pump to pump out into sink and then pump back in as well.

I would love to take a look at your plans for the screen!

The outside vent would pretty much be the top of the closet, but it would vent outside into my room at least.
Then for intake, I'm thinking about extending some duct onto the right side of the closet near the bottom because right across is a door to the bathroom that has a pretty good sized gap at the bottom and a very nice breeze usually passing by there of fresh air from my entire living room/kitchen. Here are some actual pictures of my area as well,

Here is where I plan to make a hole at the top for venting out into my own room

and here is the right side of the closet where I will have ducting for passive intake

But after reviewing what you suggested, I think this is best:

Pretty much forget about using a splitter and separate lines for hood and filter but instead combine both into 1 duct line and re-position fan.

What do you think about small oscillating fans? I want to get 2 but cheapest I can find are about 30 each and I really don't want to spend 60 just on two small clip on fans.. are they really worth it though?
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Active Member
Thank you, have been looking for them but it seems like its an UK based product and not around here
I can't really even find any decent reviewed oscillating clip fans.. they're mostly stationary clip fans