need guru for help,


IMAG0376.jpg well people it seems like every other day something new happens its pretty disheartening thought I was doing good after my flushs (2 in a week) like I said in last thread they grew like crazy in the three days I was gone. Came back was happy as hell to see the lock out Stop and crazy growth, well tonight I go in and see one of the three looks like that in pic. Any suggestions would b nice before I water/feed so I can try to regulate it. If it helps I'm in ffof its two weeks into 12/12 should I feed it with my B.A.C bloom 6-5-6 or do u think it something else HELP PLEASE before it gets worse I see it on a couple new new leaves should b able to see it on the older and newer leaves its not as promising on the new new leaves hopefully u can see it in the pic. IT WASN'T THERE YESTERDAY, i mean I toke those update pic on my other thread when I came home so I would've seen that. Please Stop on help. I'll answer any questions Thanks for stopping


New Member
Sounds like you have had a rough time watching over this grow and worrying wont make it better either as you know .. I think your image shown looks better than most of the help posts I have seen ..

I cant give you too much advice right off hand not knowing the variables involved and there seems to be many from your statement above .. Relax and enjoy the grow and beware of the know it all's who frequent this site lol .

Let us know a little more and I am sure others as well will chime in and help you out .. Peace and Happy New Years


New Member
Soil pH , Feed PH and PPM would be a good starting point ,, FFOF soil tends to be hot and sour and this can spell trouble for some growers ..


Well-Known Member
By the looks of the leaves, it looks like the soil is too wet.......let it dry out an extra day or two before watering. Plants are deep green too- cut back a bit on the ferts for a bit too. Also wondering with the leaves spots, a some cal/mag 10 ml per gallon.


Thanks bro, sometimes I get a wee bit ahead of myself. Lol I'm thinkn the next grow will b a little easier on the nerves, I tend to jump pretty quick its only this leaves so tonight I feed it with some organic nutes very small amount and ph'ed the water to 6.8 so hopefully that'll help out. The dirt was about 6.0 before watered so maybe The girls just don't like to b that low.


It's a hooded air cooled 600 watt hps/mh lite and its about 27 in from the closest cola I think the chart i saw said 18-24 inches for 600 watt 24-36 for 1000 watt


I can't find cal/mag anywhere near me. It sucks, next time I'm gonna throw in some dolamite lime and mix up the soil with another brand with my ffof. I had buffer tabs from sannies but I started my dirt like 2 weeks earlier then planting. (u know trying to b prepared) come to find out, I probably should have just waited and done it the same day I planted my germanated seeds into the finale pot.

Live and learn I guess, expensive lessons to learn also hard lesson..........