Need help - 1st time grow


Active Member
Hey. So on sunday I planted my germinated seed in soil. I am a first time grower so please bare with me! I'm starting off with only one plant. What I've got going is:

VEG Closet: 1.5' x 2' x 5' (roughly) or 19" x 30" x 60" exactly...
Soil: Miracle Grow African Violet (0.18-0.06-0.12)
Lighting: 1 - 75w Philips Blue indoor plant light
3 - 13w Soft white CFL
Desktop fan inside as well.

1. Will this amount of light be fine to start this girl off? If so at what time should I switch the lighting up? (I dont live near a hydro store, only Walmart, Home Depot, ect..)
2. 3 of the 4 lights are currently 3-4 inches away, the other light being 6-7 away. My plant is currently 3 inches tall, does it seem like it is stretching or is this normal?
3. When should I get nutrients and start adding it?

Any other information you need I can reply quick with, I appreciate any help!

Happy tokin:leaf:
IMG_1953.jpgIMG_1954.jpgView attachment 2369020View attachment 2369021(Plant pictures of day 3 since soil)


Well-Known Member
If my memory servs me right MG African Violet soil is too acidic for mj, I'd suggest you change your soil.


Active Member
Yeah I have googled whether or not to use this soil and some say it worked perfect for there crops and some say its completley garbage, reason for getting african violet is because it was the only recommended soil I could find in stores so I guess I'll have to take my chances. I've seen people talk about raising and lowering the ph in soil, any ideas on how to go about that?


Active Member
Welcome to RIU and the wonderful world of growing. The only way that you're going to see this project through to the very end is to read and read and read... I wouldn't use any brand of miracle grow. IMO you're better off using potting soil and getting some nutes by the end of week 4. The lights you're running will see your plant through it's life cycle but the final product won't be anything to brag about. In my opinion when it comes to flouro's and cfl's you can't over do it, and because they're not as powerful as MH and HPS Bulbs you need to have lots! At least 100 watts of CFL per plant but more than that is better.

As far as lowering soil ph goes, there are a number of things you need to understand before you get to that point and I don't have the time to explain these things and I don't know enough myself to advise you on the topic... 'Flipping' the lights will not be a concern for a while, a good veg from seed is 2 months anything less and your selling yourself short, However; people to go 12/12 from seed..I wouldn't but people do. Stick with 16 on 8 off or 18 on 6 off until 8 weeks and then switch to 12 on 12 off and flower for 8 weeks give or take...

You have alot of homework to do if you intend to see this through and be successful.


Mister Black

Active Member
Welcome to RIU and the wonderful world of growing. The only way that you're going to see this project through to the very end is to read and read and read... I wouldn't use any brand of miracle grow. IMO you're better off using potting soil and getting some nutes by the end of week 4. The lights you're running will see your plant through it's life cycle but the final product won't be anything to brag about. In my opinion when it comes to flouro's and cfl's you can't over do it, and because they're not as powerful as MH and HPS Bulbs you need to have lots! At least 100 watts of CFL per plant but more than that is better.

As far as lowering soil ph goes, there are a number of things you need to understand before you get to that point and I don't have the time to explain these things and I don't know enough myself to advise you on the topic... 'Flipping' the lights will not be a concern for a while, a good veg from seed is 2 months anything less and your selling yourself short, However; people to go 12/12 from seed..I wouldn't but people do. Stick with 16 on 8 off or 18 on 6 off until 8 weeks and then switch to 12 on 12 off and flower for 8 weeks give or take...

You have alot of homework to do if you intend to see this through and be successful.

Please take note the longer you veg the bigger your plant will get. 8 weeks seems way too long to me for vegging. Most veg for less. Some don't veg at all!

Good luck with your grow.


Active Member
Thank you both for the advice. Just a question, if the MG African Violet is too acidic would my plant still be growing fine?day4 (1).jpgsetup day4 (2).jpgUpdated pictures, day 4 since soil.


Active Member
Also, hate to sound so new to growing, but I thought the African Violet is potting soil, or atleast thats what it says :s


Active Member
Thanks! Dont understand some, but I get i should change the soil. What are signs of nutrient lockout? I think I may keep it with this soil until translplanting it. Speaking of which, when is a good time to trasnplant a young plant?