Need Help 2nd Grow Still Same problem

So its my 2nd grow .. i have almost the same problem with my plants as my first grow im starting to think maybe its my soil.. Its a Pro-mix seedling soil with sea based compost and peat moss.. im giving them water once a week .. ph always between 6.1 - 6.4 temps around 78 day 68-70 night.. RH 50-60% in veg now 30-40% in Flowering.. 4 x 40w CFL for veg and 400hps for flower.. So i tried 1/2 mix of botanicare pure blend pro once .. gave 1/2 tsp of epsom salt and 2.5ml of cal-mg+... new growth still burning at the edges .. so i have only flushing left as solution... Do you think that its a nute burn? or shes starving for some nutes? or salt buildup? Need advice !! Thanks


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
2.5 ml and a 1/2 tsp in how much water? Epsom alone should be used at 1 tablespoon per gal, not teaspoon. What do the directions on the Cal/Mag call for? I use a tablespoon per gal as well of that.
yes everything is measured per gal of water .. its says 5 ml per gal for calmg thats why i gave only half strength and for epsom salt most people say 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per gal .. Next Watering (Sunday) ill give only ph'ed water since last time was cal/mg + epsom salt... So Next week Should i try 1 TableSpoon of Epsom Salt + Full Dose of cal-mag with no nutes!?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Eliminate the Epsom and give a full strength dose of cal/mag (1 full tablespoon per gal not teaspoon) the next time you water. I used it every water for the third grow. That's not recommended, but at this point I'd do it for at least 3 or 4 waterings.


Active Member
ELIMINATE EVERTHING AND GO WITH A FLUSH DEF TOO MUCH OF SOMETHING I HAVE GROWN FOR 30 YEARS with PLAIN WATER AND PLAIN SOIL AND I HAVE NEVER HAD A LACK OF ANYTHING YOU ARE OVER DOING SOMETHING FLUSH FLUSH AND LEAVE THEM THE HELL ALONE -- they need to do their thing, these are simple plants with simple needs you are loving them to death, the burn is uniform all along the edges and you can see some CURLING. With those both present TOO MUCH OF SOMETHING and from what you have said here you have put enough garbage into these poor girls to KILL AN ARMY AND YOU PLAN ON SMOKING THIS STUFF? go with a 0-10-10 STARVE IT FOR NITROGEN and give plenty of DISTILLED OR BOILED (then cooled) PURE WATER RAIN WATER WELL WATER JUST NO CHEMS -- see the diff


Active Member
and of course those babies will go hog wild with resin buds resin glands all over the guard leaves the thing you want but you have to TEASE THEM -- they are ladies after all! -- but you have to withhold nutes and even in the end less water-- such a slow but tasty demise.....


New Member
The one thing that harms or kills more plants than any other is over complication. It is a weed and WANTS to grow. Prior to prohibition cannabis grew healthy and indigenously in almost every state in the country, without any help from anyone. You said you are watering only once a week? All that gunk in the medium with no water to carry it to the plants is useless. The edges of the leaves are curling they need water. Get a moisture meter and I would suggest flushing all that gunk out and going with a simpler tried and true feeding system. Technaflora's recipe for success is inexpensive and idiot proof (no offense BTW, not calling you an idiot. LOL!). Good luck with the grow! I am subbed.
thanks bkbbudz! i do think too that they grow without any fertilizers(only slower).. but i only gave nutes once and it was last week 1/2 strength ! i had good results with the canna reciepe for flowering .. i use Terra Vega + cannazym + rhyzotonic + pk 13/14 !! it lacks a bit of Nitrogen but at least it doesnt burn the leaves.. and i had nice buds 2oz from 1 plant grapefruit kush at my 1st grow.. today is the 2nd day of flowering and i dont think im gonna order veg nutes since im only using veg nutes for about 2 more weeks after that ill start the canna feeding... but same shit happened to leaves at my last grow and its not the same strain! btw its a strain called jean guy a cross between white widow x jack herer x mystery strain .. anyway ill probably flush her tomorrow and last gal of water ill mix a mid solution of epsom salt + cal mg .. What do you think?


New Member
I think the main issue you have is watering once a week. You can add the best nutes in the world (whatever they may be) but if there is no water to bring it into the plant how much good can it do? As I mentioned there are several good nute systems on the market that eliminate all the guess work. The canna system is very well rated by a lot of growers. But, I believe it works best in a hydro system. Not that it won't work well in soil mediums too but it can be pricey and there are a car load of products. As for me I am using the recipe for success I mentioned before. I use FF Happy Frog 3:1 with inert perlite alone with no additional nutes at all for the 1st month. Then I add the recipe nutes every 3rd watering starting at 1/4 strength and building as the plant develops and the organic ferts from the soil have been taken up until I reach full strength. About 2 weeks prior to flowering I flush with 1 or 2 times the amount of medium I am using (I use 3 gal grow bags so I flush with 3 -5 gallons of water). I let them get good and dry at this point to oxygenate the roots. Then I give just water a couple more times before flowering. And use the same graduating feeding as I did in veg. Yes they veg for longer than alot of indoor growers do. But I LST and top frequently. I have a small tent so I only do 2 plants at a time, just for personal use. I average 5-7oz. per grow. I am not a genious when it comes to gardening so I just keep it simple.

Check out the Strain Hunters expedition videos on You will see HUGE beautiful fields of cannabis that are not given anything but sunlight, rain and love.


New Member
BTW to answer your question...since I never used epsom salts for anything (except to soak my feet LOL!) I don't know what to think.
Thanks for your advices !... I still have my canna nutes so ill use em till its empty .. me too its a small grow : 3 plants... But next Time ill switch my veg nutes gonna try something else with some good Fox Farm soil.. I do the weight test when i water them so when the pots are light i give em water again.. I think im gonna flush her with only pH'd water and wait.. Can't do more harm.
Btw i know strainhunters i saw them all many times... I would do anyting to live my life travelling an smoking 24/7 and grow it after my trips and make millions of it!!


Active Member
Always good to have dreams but temper your expentations and enjoy the satisfaction of a small but productive garden.....I have found through the folks here that my old school Rapid Grow --while it packs a punch at 23-19-17 ..and really only need 1/8 strength with every watering to make your plants blast off....I have a little trick ..unless you go with the Bat Guano/Worn Casing muck that looks like dirrerea or something simular which if you take the advise of many here you cant go wrong..reason is its comes in with a 1-2-1 ratio so its really hard to burn with it -- it is organic --which is good -- and the stuff works great -- however if your like me and you want to give them a nitro burst then just flush the plants with the same amount of pure (acidfied with a little urea to ph 6.5 id good) about 5 minutes after you feed them..that way they will absorb what they need and piss out the rest -- all this provided you have no over watering issues going on ..keep in mind if your roots arent breathing then nothing will work correctly untill they are breathing on their own -- hope this helps to clear up the confusion
Thanks for your advices !... I still have my canna nutes so ill use em till its empty .. me too its a small grow : 3 plants... But next Time ill switch my veg nutes gonna try something else with some good Fox Farm soil.. I do the weight test when i water them so when the pots are light i give em water again.. I think im gonna flush her with only pH'd water and wait.. Can't do more harm.
Btw i know strainhunters i saw them all many times... I would do anyting to live my life travelling an smoking 24/7 and grow it after my trips and make millions of it!!